The Context Aggregator in POMBA consumes a service audit request from DMaaP and initiates the gathering of context-specific service information via a set of "builders". The information available about the service within each context (i.e. from each builder) is collated and a single report is then published to DMaaP where it can be consumed.
File Structure
Code Block |
|-- app
|-- config
| |-- application.properties
| |-- builders
| | |-- aai.properties
| | |-- sdc.properties
| |-- logback.xml
|-- debug-logs
| |-- EELF
| |-- debug.log
|-- lib
| |-- pomba-context-aggregator.jar
| |-- startService.sh
|-- logs
|-- EELF
| |-- application.log
| |-- audit.log
| |-- error.log
| |-- metrics.log
| |-- performance.log
| |-- policy.log
| |-- security.log
| |-- server.log
|-- output.log |