Our development plan for Casablanca - Logging Casablanca Scope
Acumos requirements/shadowing of our logging spec is driving part of our scope for casablanca since a large portion of the team is on both projects
Working with oom, portal, clamp, sdc with vid and policy in the queue.
5 min involving the fake logdemonode deployment that exercises all elements of the jar/war/docker/helm/filebeat/elk stack - https://git.onap.org/logging-analytics/tree/reference/logging-kubernetes
follow Logging Developer Guide#Deployingdemopod
Specification Changes since Beijing
There is a POC AOP (aspect oriented) wrapper library in progress to simplify MARKER adoption. Jira Legacy
Jira Legacy | ||||||
There is a POC AOP (aspect oriented) wrapper library in progress to simplify MARKER adoption.
Logging Developer Guide via https://git.onap.org/logging-analytics/tree/reference/logging-slf4j and https://git.onap.org/logging-analytics/tree/reference/logging-library
We are actively implementing a 3rd RI using the existing portal/sdk EELF logger that is used by several components in ONAP already.