In order to run these measurements, the following resources were usedwas applied:
- An 11-node Kubernetes cluster (as currently being tested by the Integration team) is suggested to deploy a complete ONAP platform
- Docker version 17.03.2
- Kubernetes version 1.8.10
- A single Rancher instance (v1.6.14)
- Docker version 17.03.2
- Docker version 17.03.2
- The VM flavor for each of these VMs is OpenStack standard flavor “m1.xlarge” which is equivalent to 8 vCPUs, 16 GB RAM, 160 GB HDD
- ONAP "Beijing" Release (Complete, with all components enabled as part of the HELM chart deployment). Gerrit branch "BEIJING"
By using the components to measure resource usage (Heapster), store into a backend component (InfluxDB), and visualizing the data into a frontend (Grafana), the following relevant metrics were collected. NOTE: These metrics are from a complete ONAP instance as broken down into HELM chart components like in the Global/Master values.yaml, where all of these components are at an idle state.