Versions Compared


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Note: We had earlier discussed three PCI optimization scenarios (Flows A, B, C). For Casablanca, we are now focused on a minimum viable product which is based on Flow B. The earlier content has been moved to this page ( 5G - PCI (Physical Cell ID) Optimization ) under OOF R3 Planning.


  • ONAP Optimization Framework (OOF) provides a policy-driven and model-driven framework for creating optimization applications for a broad range of use cases

  • For Casablanca, OOF enhancements include formulation and solving of optimization problems

  • Following sequence flows and test cases are for

    We propose an OOF enhancement

    proposal for Casablanca in the context of a

    and Proof of Concept (POC) for Casablanca for Physical Cell ID (PCI) Optimization

    • PCI Optimization is a well-understood problem

    - The
    • The reading/writing of the Physical Cell ID (PCI) configuration parameter has been included in

    SDNC(R)  POCObjective
    • SDN-C POC work

  • The objective of the POC is to demonstrate disaggregation of the PCI SON functionality, and the data flows needed to implement this in ONAP using OOF

  • We envision a new PCI-Handler Microservice to facilitate the data flow and trigger mechanism

  • The focus of the POC is on data flow and interfaces, and the role of OOF, PCI-Handler-MS, SDN-C Controller and Policy


    - Objective is to incorporate an algorithm in ONAP using OOF, not to develop an algorithm

    - The POC will help to develop details of

Casablanca Plan


  • Minimum viable product to make incremental progress in ONAP core modules

  • Develop new PCI Handler microservice and ONAP interfaces and flows needed:

    • (a) to get the required network data to OOF for optimization

    • (b)

    determine the recommended reconfiguration, and
    • compute an optimization

    • (c) apply policies

    • (d) execute it using the Controller

Sequence Flows for OOF based PCI Optimization based on 3 different triggers:

(Flow A) - From SO (new cell addition), only PCI recommendation, no Controller action
(Flow B) - From SDN-C (RAN config change), includes Controller action
(Flow C) - From DCAE (alarm/fault), includes Controller action and DCAE Collector

Flow A: PCI Optimization for trigger from SO (new cell addition)

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Steps for Flow A, Trigger from SO - Recommended PCI for new cell addition




  • Casablanca test cases involve:

    • New PCI-Handler-MS (onboarded on DCAE) – interfaces to OOF, Policy, DMaaP

    • OOF – interfaces to PCI-Handler-MS,


    • Policy,


    • SDN-C,


SO prepares to add new cell. (? SO updates AAI with information for new cell )


Request for PCI Recommendation for new cell

SO requests PCI-Handler-MS to provide PCI recommendation for new cell


Fetch configuration policies

PCI-Handler MS fetches policies that specify how PCI-Handler-MS will respond to triggers or requests from SO, from DCAE (via DMaaP), SDNC(R) (via DMaaP),

PCI-Handler-MS analyzes config change to detect pre-defined signature which will trigger PCI Optimization due to config changes (e.g. Nbr list)


Request for PCI optimization for network region.

PCI-Handler MS invokes OOF for pre-defined workflow for PCI Optimization via REST API.This call includes data for the cell and the network reqion involved.


Fetch PCI optimization policies

OOF fetches policies that specify how OOF will execute PCI optimization in response to PCI request for optimization


Fetch Inventory data for cells in the region

OOF fetches inventory and topology of cells in network region from AAI


Fetch Config data for cells in the region

OOF fetches PCI and Nbr List config data for cells in network region from SDN-C


Recommended PCI configuration

OOF provides PCI recommendation to PCI-Handler-MS in response to the request from


Recommended PCI configuration

PCI-Handler-MS provides PCI recommendation to SO


    • (A&AI?)

    • Policy – interface to PCI-Handler-MS, OOF, SDN-C

    • SDN-C – interface to RAN emulator, OOF, Policy, DMaaP

PCI Optimization based on trigger from SDN-C (RAN Config Change)

namePCI Optimization Flow 1 3 - RAN Inventory Config Change

Flow B: PCI Optimization for trigger from SDNC(R) - RAN Config Change

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ComponentFunctionalityUser Stories
Design time1SDC, CLAMPPCI Optimization service and automated loop defined in SDC and CLAMPDeployment time
2Policy, PCI-Handler-MS, OOF, SO, SDN-C, AAI, DCAE CollectorModules loaded with changes for PCI Optimization
Run time

3(b)RAN, SDN-C

Config change notification

RAN sends notification to SDN-C (e.g. Nbr list change)


Publish config data change

SDN-C publishes config data change on DMaaP. Subscribed by PCI-Handler-MS, A&AI (and others).

5PCI-Handler-MS, Policy

Fetch configuration policies

PCI-Handler MS fetches policies that specify how PCI-Handler-MS will respond to triggers or requests from SO, from DCAE (via DMaaP), SDN-C) (via DMaaP),

PCI-Handler-MS analyzes config change to detect pre-defined signature which will trigger PCI Optimization due to config changes (e.g. Nbr list)

6PCI-Handler-MS, OOF

Request for PCI optimization for network region.

PCI-Handler MS invokes OOF for pre-defined workflow for PCI Optimization via REST API.This call includes data for the cell and the network reqion involved.

7OOF, Policy

Fetch PCI optimization policies

OOF fetches policies that specify how OOF will execute PCI optimization in response to PCI request for optimization


Fetch Inventory data for cells in the region

OOF fetches inventory and topology of cells in network region from AAI

Fetch Config data for cells in the region

OOF fetches PCI and Nbr List config data for cells in network region from SDN-C

9OOF, PCI-Handler-MS

Recommended PCI configuration

OOF provides PCI recommendation to PCI-Handler-MS in response to the request from

10PCI-Handler-MS, Policy

Recommended PCI configuration

PCI-Handler-MS provides PCI recommendation to Policy

11Policy, SDN-C

PCI Configuration decisions

Policy sends message to SDN-C with instruction for configuration changes


Change PCI Configuration

SDN-C applies config changes


Update Inventory

SDN-C updates inventory as needed for PCI config change

Flow B: PCI Optimization for trigger from SDNC(R) - RAN Config Change

namePCI Optimization Flow 3 - RAN Config Change

Flow C: PCI Optimization for trigger from DCAE (Alarm/fault)

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Steps for Flow C, Trigger from DCAE Collector stream (FM Data) - Alarm condition


ComponentFunctionalityUser StoriesDesign time1SDC, CLAMPPCI Optimization service and automated loop defined in SDC and CLAMPDeployment time2Policy, PCI-Handler-MS, OOF, SO, SDN-C, AAI, DCAE CollectorModules loaded with changes for PCI OptimizationRun time3(c)RAN, DCAE Collector

Collect FM Data

DCAE Collector collects FM/PM data from RAN

4(c)DCAE Collector, PCI-Handler-MS

Publish FM Data

DCAE Collector publishes FM/PM data on DMaaP. Subscribed by PCI-Handler-MS and DCAE Database

5PCI-Handler-MS, Policy

Fetch configuration policies

PCI-Handler MS fetches policies that specify how PCI-Handler-MS will respond to triggers or requests from SO, from DCAE (via DMaaP), SDN-C (via DMaaP),

PCI-Handler-MS analyzes config change to detect pre-defined signature which will trigger PCI Optimization due to config changes (e.g. Nbr list)

6PCI-Handler-MS, OOF

Request for PCI optimization for network region.

PCI-Handler MS invokes OOF for pre-defined workflow for PCI Optimization via REST API.This call includes data for the cell and the network reqion involved.

7OOF, Policy

Fetch PCI optimization policies

OOF fetches policies that specify how OOF will execute PCI optimization in response to PCI request for optimization



Fetch Inventory data for cells in the region

OOF fetches inventory and topology of cells in network region from AAI


Fetch Config data for cells in the region

OOF fetches PCI and Nbr List config data for cells in network region from SDN-C

9OOF, PCI-Handler-MS

Recommended PCI configuration

OOF provides PCI recommendation to PCI-Handler-MS in response to the request from

10PCI-Handler-MS, Policy

Recommended PCI configuration

PCI-Handler-MS provides PCI recommendation to Policy

11Policy, SDN-C

PCI Configuration decisions

Policy sends message to SDN-C with instruction for configuration changes


Change PCI Configuration

SDN-C applies config changes


Update Inventory

SDN-C updates inventory as needed for PCI config change

Flow C: PCI Optimization for trigger from DCAE (Alarm/fault)
