- Meeting every Wednesday 11:00 EDT, 8:00 PDT, 17:00 CET, 11:00PM Beijing Time (UTC+8)
- Meeting bridge?https://zoom.us/j/9117271979
- Concluded doodle poll at https://doodle.com/poll/aunfy6s8pker82bs.
Upcoming call
- July 1825, Wednesday 11:00 EDT, 8:00 PDT, 17:00 CET, 11:00PM Beijing Time (UTC+8)
Proposed Agenda
- Service descriptor (Lin Meng, Lingli Deng)
Past calls
- Andy-Service Order
Kevin-Service Catalog
Past calls
- -Service Order
Kevin-Service Catalog
Hui Deng, Kevin, Andy, Thinh, Xu Yang, Lin Meng
service order - Kevin
- Kevin illustrate the Papyrus model for the service order, including ServiceOrder and ServiceOrderItem class, based on TMF model (TMF have a root class named businessInteraction of serviceOrder, similarly businessInteractionItem as root class of serviceOrderItem, but as ONAP doesn’t need business interaction, so here Keven delete the root classes)
service catalog – Kevin,Andy
- Kevin illustrate the UML diagram for the service catalog model, and gives an introduction of the background information.
- TMF SID model includes catalog model and service specification (i.e., service descriptor) model, it’s clarified that the current scope is to model the service specification part. Kevin clarified, herein, in ONAP, the service specification is the same as service descriptor.
- There’s a middle layer (ServiceCandidate) in TMF SID model describing the relationship between the catalog item and a service description (capturing properties like durationTime in the catalog), further discussion is needed to decide whether to model this part in ONAP. Do we want to model the ServiceSpecifications directly related to ServiceCatolog or do we need a middle layer to handle many relationships?
- Service package could be described using the attachment class?but not sure.
- There is a schema link to serviceSpecification, the service descriptors publishing in the SDC catalog is the schemaLocation.
- There is a need to create a Json representation for all the input parameters of service that could be shared among all the ONAP components.
- There are two different opinions of the concept of recipe?Thinh think receipe could be change into specifications or descriptors, but Kevin think receipe represents the workflow.
- The scope of TMF ServiceCatalog is much larger because it also includes the management of catalogs.
- Main purpose of the external API (which is related to service catalog) is to provide information of the service descriptor.
- Agenda bashing
- Service DM proposal (Chuanyu/Maopeng)
- WAN service modeling proposal (Zhuoyao)
- Wrap up