Sequence Flows for OOF based PCI Optimization based on 3 different triggers:
(Flow 1) - From SO (new cell addition),
(Flow 2) - From SDNC(R) (RAN config change)
(Flow 3) - From DCAE (fault)
Steps for Flow 1, Trigger from SO - Recommended PCI for new cell addition
Step | Component | Functionality | User Stories |
Design time | |||
1 | SDC, CLAMP | PCI Optimization service and automated loop defined in SDC and CLAMP | |
Deployment time | |||
2 | Policy, PCI-Handler-MS, OOF, SO, SDNC(R), AAI, DCAE Collector | Modules loaded with changes for PCI Optimization | |
Run time | |||
3(a) | SO | SO prepares to add new cell. (? SO updates AAI with information for new cell ) | |
4(a) | SO, PC-Handler-MS | Request for PCI Recommendation for new cell SO requests PCI-Handler-MS to provide PCI recommendation for new cell | |
5 | PCI-Handler-MS, Policy | Fetch configuration policies PCI-Handler MS fetches policies that specify how PCI-Handler-MS will respond to triggers or requests from SO, from DCAE (via DMaaP), SDNC(R) (via DMaaP), PCI-Handler-MS analyzes config change to detect pre-defined signature which will trigger PCI Optimization due to config changes (e.g. Nbr list) | |
6 | PCI-Handler-MS, OOF | Request for PCI optimization for network region. PCI-Handler MS invokes OOF for pre-defined workflow for PCI Optimization via REST API.This call includes data for the cell and the network reqion involved. | |
7 | OOF, Policy | Fetch PCI optimization policies OOF fetches policies that specify how OOF will execute PCI optimization in response to PCI request for optimization | |
8a | OOF, AAI | Fetch Inventory data for cells in the region OOF fetches inventory and topology of cells in network region from AAI | |
8b | OOF, SDNC(R) | Fetch Config data for cells in the region OOF fetches PCI and Nbr List config data for cells in network region from SDNC(R) | |
9 | OOF, PCI-Handler-MS | Recommended PCI configuration OOF provides PCI recommendation to PCI-Handler-MS in response to the request from | |
10 | PCI-Handler-MS, SO | Recommended PCI configuration PCI-Handler-MS provides PCI recommendation to SO |
Flow 1: PCI Optimization for trigger from SO (new cell addition)
Gliffy | ||||
Steps for Flow 3, Trigger from DCAE Collector stream (FM Data) - Alarm condition
Step | Component | Functionality | User Stories |
Design time | |||
1 | SDC, CLAMP | PCI Optimization service and automated loop defined in SDC and CLAMP | |
Deployment time | |||
2 | Policy, PCI-Handler-MS, OOF, SO, SDNC(R), AAI, DCAE Collector | Modules loaded with changes for PCI Optimization | |
Run time | |||
3(c) | RAN, DCAE Collector | Collect FM Data DCAE Collector collects FM/PM data from RAN | |
4(c) | DCAE Collector, PCI-Handler-MS | Publish FM Data DCAE Collector publishes FM/PM data on DMaaP. Subscribed by PCI-Handler-MS and DCAE Database | |
5 | PCI-Handler-MS, Policy | Fetch configuration policies PCI-Handler MS fetches policies that specify how PCI-Handler-MS will respond to triggers or requests from SO, from DCAE (via DMaaP), SDNC(R) (via DMaaP), PCI-Handler-MS analyzes config change to detect pre-defined signature which will trigger PCI Optimization due to config changes (e.g. Nbr list) | |
6 | PCI-Handler-MS, OOF | Request for PCI optimization for network region. PCI-Handler MS invokes OOF for pre-defined workflow for PCI Optimization via REST API.This call includes data for the cell and the network reqion involved. | |
7 | OOF, Policy | Fetch PCI optimization policies OOF fetches policies that specify how OOF will execute PCI optimization in response to PCI request for optimization | |
8a | OOF, AAI | Fetch Inventory data for cells in the region OOF fetches inventory and topology of cells in network region from AAI | |
8b | OOF, SDNC(R) | Fetch Config data for cells in the region OOF fetches PCI and Nbr List config data for cells in network region from SDNC(R) | |
9 | OOF, PCI-Handler-MS | Recommended PCI configuration OOF provides PCI recommendation to PCI-Handler-MS in response to the request from | |
10 | PCI-Handler-MS, Policy | Recommended PCI configuration PCI-Handler-MS provides PCI recommendation to Policy | |
11 | Policy, SDNC(R) | PCI Configuration decisions Policy sends message to SDNC(R) with instruction for configuration changes | |
12 | SDNC(R), RAN | Change PCI Configuration SDNC(R) applies config changes | |
13 | SDNC(R), AAI | Update Inventory SDNC(R) updates inventory as needed for PCI config change |