- Introductions
- Papyrus Update Kevin Scaggs
- Model repo is available in Gerrit in model spec repo, may need to be committed.
- ACTION: Need Model Spec committers for Gerrit Model Spec Repo. Need this on the agenda for the Modeling Project (Hui Deng)
- Testing pulling model back to local environment from Repo
- ACTION: Need process for updates back to working tree with quick committs, vs approving final release. Need this on the agenda for the Modeling Project (Hui Deng)
- ACTION: Use of GenDoc format for Readthedocs version of the model. Need this on the agenda for the Modeling Project (Hui Deng)
- Review ONAP VNF Descriptor Data Modeling Collaborative Proposal for Casablanca Andy Mayer
Review vCPE R2 data model gaps Lianhao Lu (Deactivated)
- ACTION: Form Tiger team to recommend updates to SOL001 for on-boarding based on vCPE (2 week window)
- Possible team members:
- Alex Vul (Deactivated) to set up call.
- Possible team members:
- ACTION: Form Tiger team to recommend updates to SOL001 for on-boarding based on vCPE (2 week window)
- Last time:
- ONAP Modeling Approach Proposal Discussion Andy Mayer
- Reviewed ONAP as a black box
ONAP has a broader functional scope than ETSI MANO, therefore the ETSI Data Model is not sufficient to drive ONAP behavior
ONAP needs to be agile and move quickly
ONAP as a Black Box supports Standards at the edges (e.g., ETSI, TM Forum, HEAT)
- Introduce idea of transforming Standards based packages into ONAP model, while preserving on-boarding artifacts to enable southbound adaptation
- ETSI SOL Update Thinh Nguyenphu (Unlicensed)
- Undergoing preparing final technical update IFA and SOL 2.5.1. SOL001 will sync with IFA011 v2.5.1; VNF SOL Package Version 2.5.1
- SOL001 is stable on VNF Descriptor parts
- Three known gaps include: monitoring parameters (from VIM); VNF Indicator (used for lifecycle operations); Security Group;
- Will go through constant review and resolution over next 4 weeks. Then stable draft will be available.
- Network Service Descriptor will still be work in progress
- SOL001 machine readable VNF Types across all VNFs
- Clean document should be available 4 weeks from now.
- Will try to push forward in IM and DM: Placement group policy, guideline for single service template, lifecycle operation scripts (how to use)
- HPA Registry, will be used in short term (wiki page)
- Papyrus Update Kevin Scaggs Former user (Deleted)
- Thanks to Chris Donley
- Papyrus will be available for use in Gerrit repo
- No meeting next week (6 July 2018)