Code Coverage Policy Enforcement | For aai-common, resources, and traversal we've enabled jacoco threshold to make sure that code coverage doesn't fall on a commit. This will prevent users from contributing code that would negatively impact the overall code coverage on a repo. Let's discuss enabling this across the board on all AAI repos. Update 11 April: James Forsyth and Venkata Harish Kajur - Look at automated PoC polling script, add test coverage. Update 13 June: Code coverage for Casablanca expected to be 70 - 80% level. Update 26 June: Code coverage is set to 50% for Casablanca. Need js coverage | ||
CII Badging | Wiki page with instructions on the process: CII Badging Program We have two CII Badging submissions currently active on CII Best Practice Badge Program: 1) AAI and 2) Sparky-fe The team needs to decide how to split up the project - AAI is too big to fit under a single project. James Forsyth proposes the following breakdown for CII badging: 1) AAI core (REST providers and common code): James Forsyth - Project created, ongoing progress.
2) GUI - Arul Nambi - Need to include more repos to the current "front-end" project
3) Model loader - Tian Lee / Mark Tooski- Need to create projects
4) ESR - Zi Li - Project is created, still ongoing process to meet all the requirements
The idea is that we assign one key person who will be responsible for getting the badge on their set of repos. This is just a suggestion, and I invite discussion, re-categorization, and complete rewrites. Owners of the sets can decide whether it makes sense to group sets into one CII badging request, or split. Every repo above must be included in 1 CII submission. 23 Feb: Need readout next week per repo as to where we stand and how we can close before M4 (3/29). Zi Li and Arul Nambi will work together to see if same kind of scan will work for both components 2 March: SONAR will not report on java script based so those need to be run manually via another tool locally. Update 3/8: Urgent - need to document our plan and have a commitment to get to 50% coverage by m4. Preferably sooner to prevent giving your PTL a heart attack. Offending repos:
ALSO: if your repo is part of Beijing but is NOT part of the SONAR scan, (Venkata Harish Kajur, graphadmin leaps to mind) please fix that ASAP Update 9 March: Steve Blimkie needs James Forsyth’s signoff on moving small libraries within event and rest clients to aai.core; Spike and Gap not used in Beijing; Tian Lee to create project for Model loader; may need secondary URL describing model-loader but point to aai.core. Gizmo – Giulio Graziani requesting adding it to his team's work list. Common – Venkata Harish Kajur working on Router-core – AMDOCs to work Update 16 March: James Forsyth to verify on PTL call if all vulnerabilities 4 or above need to be cleared in order to pass. Update 21 March: Title of project must have ONAP as the first word; Mark Tooski to pickup Tian Lee's action items while he is out. Update 4 April: We are at 97% Update 13 June: CII Badging level for Casablanca to move from Passing to Silver Update 27 June: Team would like to adopt name of repo included in the label |
Action items
- Manisha Aggarwal - Look at use case for using Cacher in ONAP
- Former user (Deleted) - Look at integrating services with AAF using Cadi
- Manisha Aggarwal - Advise next week if code coverage of 70% will be issue with Graph Admin (GA)
- Tian Lee - Advise next week if code coverage of 70% will be issue for new mS such as Champ
- Venkata Harish Kajur will be the delegate for both 7/18 and 7/26
- James ForsythTian LeeVenkata Harish Kajur