- When you are a mailing list moderator do not approve subscription requests from accounts with obviously pornographic domain names. (yes, this really happened. recently.)
- Lack of transparency on LF IT ticket raised by the community. The LF RT tools has poor capability to email properly the whole set of information. The ONAP community has no visibility on what LF IT is currently working on.
- Feedback compiled by Kenny Paulfrom ONS-NA: (See TSC 2018-04-05 Agenda slides)
Onboarding an engineer is very hard; The wiki isn’t laid out well and is confusing, needs to be cleaned up
Responsiveness from existing Community members answering new contributor questions can be a challenge
- All approved projects should be required to post meeting minutes to the wiki
The volume of untagged emails makes filtering almost impossible
- Need absolutely clear and unambiguous validation that RocketChat can be used via https from China and most companies without requiring a VPN, or the use of an alternative device/network -kenny:. Must be secured if setup by LF (simply b/c of well known pwd).
- Would like the Community to decide whether the use of IRC as the "official" minute mechanism is a practice worth continuing or not; very few people are using it, many can't use it and unlike other communities, virtually no one contributes to the minutes. Compare that with the fact that everyone can use zoom chat and there is always a great deal of contribution being performed there. -kenny
- WIKI Help: things are hard to find unless you type the right keywords or have the proper URL. Some information no more accurate. Matter of organization, not matter of quantity of information. Recommendation to use ReadTheDocs to start versus the wiki? Another approach may be to make Wiki searches more deficient by publishing and enforcing guidelines for usage of page names and keywords.
- WIKI: Onboarding new community members is the challenge.
- Is there a good enough flow of information-communication between sub-committees and projects? Overall: yes. Sub-committee feedback of to the TSC is not systematic(as we wish).
- Expectation from sub-sub-committee back to the team and then driving the execution. Use-case owner is missing. Use-case team to fill a checklist? We may defined what that role is.