This wiki describes how to deploy SDN-C on a Kubernetes cluster using latest SDN-C helm chart.
Note |
Setup of this Helm repository is a one time activity. If you make changes to your deployment charts or values, make sure to run **make** command again to update your local Helm repository. |
If Change 41597 , has not been merged , create persistent volumes to be available for claim by persistent volumes claim created during MySQL pods deployment. (As of today, late April 2018, the change has been merged and you don't need to create PVs per following step.)
- Download desired version (tar.gz file) form kubernetes website. Example here: . You can change the version number in the file name and you will get it!
(curl --output helm-v2.8.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz --silent) . (try 2.8.2, if you get the same error with 2.8.1) - Unzip and untar the file. It will create "linux-amd64" directory.
- Copy helm binary file from linux-amd64 directory to /usr/local/bin/ (kill helm process if it is stopping the copy)
- Run "helm version"