Linux Foundation IT is migrating The Linux Foundation IT had migrated all projects off of Mailman to Groups.io’s managed service to increase the scalability of our overall IT service platform
All projects will need to migrate by end of Q2
We will assist projects who do not want to use Groups.io find a managed Mailman service provider
LF IT will provide exported list archives and subscriber details, as needed
groups will save $225. a month. << brandy checking
Migration notifiaction email:
Pre-migration Groups.io communication (1 week before):
Greetings Zephyr Project community!
The Linux Foundation has connected with a new vendor called Groups.io, which provides mailing list services in a simple but modern interface. Groups.io offers all of the capabilities of our existing Mailman mailing service plus additional community tools that make it an exceptional service solution.
We are planning to migrate your existing mailing list archives and user lists to Groups.io on Wednesday 3/28 starting at 9:30am PST.
The migration will include details on subscriber preferences and owner or moderator privileges.
Owners and Moderators: Please be aware pending memberships or posts (and similar pending moderation actions) in Mailman will not be preserved in this migration. We recommend re-checking for any such pending decisions and taking action on them within Mailman one hour prior to the start of the migration window.
. ONAP's lists were migrated on June 20,2018
What are the key differences between Mailman and Groups.io?
The Linux Foundation can provide project-branded Groups.io accounts to projects for much less cost than managing our in-house Mailman systems.
In many ways, it is very much the same. You will still find the main group at your existing URL and sub-groups equate to the more focused mailing lists based on the community’s needs. Here is an example of main group and sub-group URL patterns, and their respective emails:
What is different is Groups.io’s simple but highly functional UI that will make the experience of moderating or participating in the community discussions more enjoyable.
“Settings” to change overall settings for a group, including privacy and message policy settings.
“Members” to manage people within a group, including adjusting their role and privileges
“Pending” to view messages pending moderation
If you’d like to learn more about using Groups.io Is there online help?
Yes, please reference their help documentation.
If you need assistance with Groups.io, please email helpdesk@rt.linuxfoundation.org for The Linux Foundation’s helpdesk.
Brendan OSullivan
Helpdesk Analyst
The Linux Foundation
One day before
From: Brendan OSullivan <bosullivan@linuxfoundation.org>
Date: Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 12:34 PM
Subject: Groups.io Communication for EdgeX and Zephyr
To: Brett Preston <bpreston@linuxfoundation.org>
Cc: Brandy Hartley <bhartley@linuxfoundation.org>, Eric Searcy <eric@linuxfoundation.org>
Greetings Brett!
I heard you're looking to handle the communicaiton with the EdgeX and Zephyr projects regarding their upcoming migrations to Groups.io. I'm attaching the two sets of communication we typically send, one for one week before (which for EdgeX hasn't been sent yet), and one for one day before. Please let me know if you have any questions as I'll be happy to help.
Brendan OSullivan
main list email
Welcome to the odpi@groups.io group at Groups.io, a free, easy-to-use email group service. Please take a moment to review this message.
To learn more about the odpi@groups.io group, please visit https://groups.io/g/odpi
To start sending messages to members of this group, simply send email to odpi@groups.io
If you do not wish to belong to odpi@groups.io, you may unsubscribe by sending an email to odpi+unsubscribe@groups.io
To see and modify all of your groups, go to https://groups.io
The odpi@groups.io Moderator
announce mail
You have been added by the moderators to their ODPi group odpi-announce@lists.odpi.org
If this was a mistake, please click on the following link and you will be immediately removed:
The ODPi Team
subgroup email
You have been added by the moderators to their ODPi group odpi-rt@lists.odpi.org
The address to send an email to the groups is odpi-rt@lists.odpi.org.
If this was a mistake, please click on the following link and you will be immediately removed:
The ODPi Team