Use Case Authors:
- Service onboarding
- Service configuration
- Service termination
- Self service addaption (Bandwidth on demand to be added)
- Auto-scaling based on fault and performance (stretch goal)
- fault detection and auto-healing (stretch goal)
- data correlation and analytics (stretch goal)
3. Site Enterprise Service Deploy Flow
- 1. UUIcreate UUI create Site Enterprise Service
- 2. SO create service instance to AAIA&AI
- 3. SO decompose the service template.
- 4. SO allocate the resources needed by cross ONAP deploy.
- 5. SO call the East/West APIs of ONAP of service provider partner, to create the service in the partner side.
- 6. SO create SPPartner resource information in A&AI. this will maintain the service instance uuid from the partner side.
- 7. SO Check the site location to check if it is locate in local ONAP.
- 8. SO call SDN-C to create device PNF resource
- 9. SDN-C call A&AI to create device PNF resource instance
- 10. SO call SDN-C to activate the device PNF resource
- 11. SDN-C call 3rd party SD-WAN controller to create device of the site.
- 12. SDN-C create device instance in A&AI.
- 13. SO call SDN-C to create site resource.
- 14. SDN-C call A&AI to create site resource instnace.
- 15. SO call SDN-C to activate the site resource.
- 16. SDN-C call 3rd SD-WAN controller to create site.
- 17. SO call SDN-C to create SOTN VPN attachment resource.
- 18. SDNC call AAI to create SOTN VPN attachment resource.
- 19. SO query the network access point information from inventory OSS of SP.
- 20. SO call SDN-C to activate the VPN attachment resource. SDN-C will get the existing VPN Infra Service information and the VPN attachment resource , to get the L1/L2 connectivity needed.
- 21. SDN-C call OOF to do L1/L2 connectivity route calculate between multi 3rd SOTN controller topologys.
- 22. OOF will query AAI for the whole topology notified by multi SOTN controllers.
- 23. OOF do route calculate,OOF return the route informations for L1/L2 connectivity VPNs on each SOTN controller.
- 24. SDN-C will loop the VPNs , and create the SOTN VPN instance to A&AI. This will also upate the VPN Infra service instance.
- 25. SDN-C call 3rd SOTN controller to create VPN over topology.
- 26. SDN-C add relationship between the VPN instance and the topology.
- 27. SO call SDN-C to create SD-WAN VPN attachment resource
- 28. SDN-C call A&AI to create SD-WAN VPN attachment resource instance.
- 29. SO call SDN-C to activate the SDN-WAN VPN attachment resource.
- 30. SDN-C call SD-WAN controller to attach the site to the SD-WAN VPN instance.
- 31. SO call SDN-C to create WAN port resource.
- 32. SDN-C call A&AI to create WAN port resource instance.
- 33. SO call SDN-C to activate WAN port resource.
- 34. SDN-C call SD-WAN controller to create WAN port for the Site.
- 35. SO call SDN-C to create LAN port resource.
- 36. SDN-C call A&AI to create LAN port resource instance.
- 37. SO call SDN-C to activate LAN port resource.
- 38. SDN-C call SD-WAN controller to create LAN port for the Site.
4. Site DC Service Deploy Flow
- 41. 0 UUI /Portal create Site Enterprise Service
- 42. 1 SO create service instance to AAIA&AI
- 43. 2 SO decompose the service template.
- 4. 3 SO allocate the resources needed by cross ONAP deploy.
- 5. SO call VFC/APPC to create VNF resource
- 4.4 VFC/APPC call AAI to create VNF resource instance
- 4.5 SO call VFC/APPC to activate the VNF resource
- 4.6 VFC/APPC will call 3rd VNFM to create vCPE VNF.
- 4.7 SO call SDNC to activate the VNF resource.
- 4.8 SDNC call 3rd SD-WAN controller to create device(VNF) of the site.
- 4.9 SO call SDNC to create site resource.
- 4.10 SDNC call AAI to create site resource instnace.
- 4.11 SO call SDNC to activate the site resource.
- 4.12 SDNC call 3rd SD-WAN controller to create site.
- 4.13 SO call SDNC to create VPN attachment resource.
- 4.14 SDNC call AAI to create VPN attachment resource.
- 4.15 SO query the network access point information from inventory OSS of SP.
- 4.16 SO call SDNC to activate the VPN attachment resource. SDNC will get the existing VPN Infra Service information and the VPN attachment resource , to get the L1/L2 connectivity needed.
- 4.17 SDNC call OOF to do L1/L2 connectivity route calculate between multi 3rd SOTN controller topologys.
- 4.18 OOF will query AAI for the whole topology notified by multi SOTN controllers.
- 4.19 OOF do route calculate.
- 4.20 OOF return the route informations for L1/L2 connectivity VPNs on each SOTN controller.
- 4.21 SDNC will loop the VPNs , and create the SOTN VPN instance to AAI. This will also upate the VPN Infra service instance.
- 4.22 SDNC call 3rd SOTN controller to create VPN over topology.
- 4.23 SDC add relationship between the VPN instance and the topology.
- 4.24 SDNC call SD-WAN controller to attach the site to the SD-WAN VPN instance.
- 4.25 SDNC call SD-WAN controller to create LAN for the Site.
- 4.26 SDNC call SD-WAN controller to create WAN the East/West APIs of ONAP of service provider partner, to create the service in the partner side.
- 6. SO create SPPartner resource information in A&AI. this will maintain the service instance uuid from the partner side.
- 7. SO Check the site location to check if it is locate in local ONAP.
- 8. SO call VF-C/APP-C to create device VNF resource
- 9. VF-C/APP-C call A&AI to create device VNF resource instance
- 10. SO call VF-C/APP-C to activate the device VNF resource.
- 11. VF-C/APP-C call the 3rd party VNFM to deploy VNF.
- 12. VF-C/APP-C call A&AI to create VNF instance.
- 13. SO call SDN-C to activate the device VNF resource
- 14. SDN-C call 3rd party SD-WAN controller to create device of the site.
- 15. SDN-C create device instance in A&AI.
- 16. SO call SDN-C to create site resource.
- 17. SDN-C call A&AI to create site resource instnace.
- 18. SO call SDN-C to activate the site resource.
- 19. SDN-C call 3rd SD-WAN controller to create site.
- 20. SO call SDN-C to create SOTN VPN attachment resource.
- 21. SDNC call AAI to create SOTN VPN attachment resource.
- 22. SO query the network access point information from inventory OSS of SP.
- 23. SO call SDN-C to activate the VPN attachment resource. SDN-C will get the existing VPN Infra Service information and the VPN attachment resource , to get the L1/L2 connectivity needed.
- 24. SDN-C call OOF to do L1/L2 connectivity route calculate between multi 3rd SOTN controller topologys.
- 25. OOF will query AAI for the whole topology notified by multi SOTN controllers.
- 26. OOF do route calculate,OOF return the route informations for L1/L2 connectivity VPNs on each SOTN controller.
- 27. SDN-C will loop the VPNs , and create the SOTN VPN instance to A&AI. This will also upate the VPN Infra service instance.
- 28. SDN-C call 3rd SOTN controller to create VPN over topology.
- 29. SDN-C add relationship between the VPN instance and the topology.
- 30. SO call SDN-C to create SD-WAN VPN attachment resource
- 31. SDN-C call A&AI to create SD-WAN VPN attachment resource instance.
- 32. SO call SDN-C to activate the SDN-WAN VPN attachment resource.
- 33. SDN-C call SD-WAN controller to attach the site to the SD-WAN VPN instance.
- 34. SO call SDN-C to create WAN port resource.
- 35. SDN-C call A&AI to create WAN port resource instance.
- 36. SO call SDN-C to activate WAN port resource.
- 37. SDN-C call SD-WAN controller to create WAN port for the Site.
- 38. SO call SDN-C to create LAN port resource.
- 39. SDN-C call A&AI to create LAN port resource instance.
- 40. SO call SDN-C to activate LAN port resource.
- 41. SDN-C call SD-WAN controller to create LAN port for the Site.
5. Closed Loop Flow