- Maintenance of current Platform MVP components (Highest Priority)
- 50% code coverage (Java and Javascript)
- Reliability of S3P functionality
- Security Enhancements to further progress towards Silver badge
- internal communication encrypted
- role-based access control and authorization for all calls
- Logging spec v1.2 requirements
- Auto Scale Out Use Case (High Priority)
- Implement new SO API call for Scale Out
- Support Guard Policies creation by CLAMP (Stretch Goal - not enough resources)
- Implement min/max of instances check similar to VID (Stretch Goal - not enough resources and/or information to fully commit)
- Implement Prov_Status=PROV check (Stretch Goal - not enough resources and/or information to fully commit)
- HPA Functional Requirement (Medium Priority)
- Creation of Application that integrates with SDC Service Distribution
- Must support current API and have hooks to support future Policy Lifecycle API
- Health Check, CSIT, Dockerized, K8S HELM Chart, S3P, 70% code coverage
- Code implementation for automatic creation of HPA Placement policies located in VNF descriptor for OOF to perform placement (Dependent upon creation of Policy SDC Service Distribution application)
- Include CSIT test
- Creation of Application that integrates with SDC Service Distribution
- Re-architecture of the Platform components for long term roadmap (Low Priority)
- Ingest of Apex PDP engine
- Health Check, CSIT, Dockerized, HELM Chart, S3P, 70% code coverage
- PAP 2nd Generation
- Re-build of PAP ↔ PDP Policy Distribution API using Maven Nexus Repo.
- Re-build of PAP ↔ PDP Grouping
- Above 2 requirements will involve creation of PDP SDK (2nd Generation)
- Policy Lifecycle API
- Health Check, CSIT, Dockerized, HELM Chart, S3P, 70% code coverage
- XACML PDP 2nd Generation
- Configurability of XACML Combining Algorithms for root engine
- Open support for raw XACML policies
- Integration with PDP SDK (2nd Generation)
- Policy Engineer Development Environment
- Documentation
- Ingest of Apex PDP engine