Table of Contents outline true
Project Name:
• Proposed name for the project: ONAP SDC Runtime Catalog
• Proposed name for the repository: rtc sdc/rtc
Project description:
The ONAP SDC RT-Catalog project aims to provide unified catalog management in ONAP runtime environment.
- Separation of concerns – Model Design vs. Runtime Using
- Simplification of Design time to Runtime model distributionFlexibility by allowing runtime component’s self-define model view & data subscription
- Consolidation of Runtime Data storage and management
Management Objects:
All Certified Design Model
Consistent definitions with SDC Design Catalog
Provide RT-catalog GUI, storage and management functions, including CRUD, distribution, synchronization, enable, disable, etc
- Provide RT-catalog view distribution for RT component, including RT component self-composed views, subscriptions, and data access
- Provide RT-catalog data status & Tracking
- Provide search capacity for fast access across run-time catalog data
- Provide portal for the Human Interface
- Provide S3P related capacity for RT-Catalog
Architecture Alignment:
RT-Catalog architecture
RT-Catalog Storage
What other ONAP projects does this project depend on?
- APIs/Interfaces
- Integration Testing
- etc.
Other Information:
link to seed code (if applicable)
Use the above information to create a key project facts section on your project page
Key Project Facts:
Primary contact:
Facts | Info |
PTL (first and last name) | Maopeng zhang |
Jira Project Name | Run-Time Catalog |
Jira Key | RTC |
Project ID | rtc |
Link to Wiki Space |
Release Components Name:
Note: refer to existing project for details on how to fill out this table
Components Name | Components Repository name | Maven Group ID | Components Description |
catalog manager | rtc/catalog-manager | org.onap.rtc.catalog-manager | RT-catalog data model management |
catalog distribution | rtc/catalog-distibution | org.onap.rtc.catalog-distibution | RT-catalog data model distribution to RT components |
catalog modelsync | rtc/catalog-sync | org.onap.rtc.catalog-sync | RT-catalog data model synchronization from SDC catalog |
catalog portal | rtc/catalog-portal | org.onap.rtc.catalog-portal | RT-catalog model management and distribution portal for operator |
catalog storage | rtc/catalog-storage | org.onap.rtc.catalog-storage | RT-catalog certified model storage |
Resources committed to the Release:
Note 1: No more than 5 committers per project. Balance the committers list and avoid members representing only one company.