Versions Compared


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General notes

  • The main idea of T-LAB is to be able to share as many resources as possible across use cases / scenarios. Nonetheless, there are some cases where T-LAB is hosting ONAP release testing (i.e. SB00/SB04 testing happening in an ONAP instance on T-LAB)
  • ONAP developers have root access to the VMs. SSH access requires a private key. Please contact the Integration Team to get your private key.


Testing activity: Hosts infrastructure support VMs like apt and docker caches

Owner: Gary Wu


  • Access to T-LAB is defined by the specific type of access being looked for. Access to the T-LAB dashboard is limited unless there is a clear reason as to why such access is needed.

Current T-LAB Tenants


Testing activity: This tenant is used for ONAP daily builds for OOM-based deployment of the Beijing release:

Owner: Gary Wu


Testing activity: OOM Pairwise Testing

OwnerHelen Chen FREEMAN, BRIAN D


Testing activity: HEAT deployment for OOF HPA testing

Owner: Helen Chen Marcus Williams Alex Vul


Testing activity: 72 hour stability testing of HEAT Beijing installation

Owner: Gary Wu


Testing activity: VoLTE use case on OOM

Owner: Yang Xu


Testing activity: 72 hour stability testing of OOM Beijing installation

Owner: Helen Chen


Testing activity: VoLTE Use Case Testing on HEAT

Owner: Yang Xu


Testing activity: Beijing OOM-Based Pairwise Testing

Owner: Mike Elliott


Testing activity: HEAT Pairwise Testing

Owner: Gary Wu Marco Platania FREEMAN, BRIAN D


Testing activity: This tenant is used for ONAP daily builds for heat-based deployment of the Beijing release:

Owner: Gary Wu


Testing activity: Testing vCPE

Owner:  Kang Xi, FREEMAN, BRIAN D Helen Chen


Testing activity: CLI overall testing 

Owner:  Former user (Deleted)ETE ONAP Deployment Test using OOM/K8S approach, runs periodically for consistent deployment testing


Testing activity: ETE ONAP Deployment Test using HEAT approach, runs periodically for consistent deployment testing


Testing activity: Hosts infrastructure support VMs like apt and docker caches


Testing activity: Deploy / Test multiple ONAP use cases with a single ONAP instance triggered by Jenkins


Testing activity: Deploy / Test multiple ONAP use cases with a multi-node ONAP instance. This is mainly used to run scenarios outside of Integration Team's Resiliency / ONAP release testing


Testing activity: Deploy / Test multiple ONAP use cases with a multi-node ONAP instance. This is mainly used to run scenarios that are part of Integration Team's Resiliency / ONAP release testing