- WindRiver Lab, APPC Project
- APPC Amsterdam:
- Test Client VM:
- A&AI:
- DMaaP MR:
- Due to a defect that is blocking sending and receiving DMaaP messages in the Beijing code the Amsterdam release code was used during the APPC 72 Hour Stability test.
Test Execution:
- The test was kicked off via cron set to run for 72 hours.
- The fully automated "closed-lopp" type test wherein Athe test is kicked off and waits for the transaction completion to be received before sending another request will be enabled in the testing once APPC-658 is resolved.
- Command to execute the test: ./jmeter.sh -n -t ../APPC-LCM-Action-V1.jmx -l ../APPC-LCM-Action-V1.jtl' > /dev/null 2>&1 &