Integration with DCAE
DCAE stores "fault data" in postgrepsql DB
POMBA would like to access that DB via APIs (currently identified as 'geolinks' api). Question: Is this API ATT specific or also in ONAP?
- Doug's comment: If data is present in fault table (is there a time factor to be considered here i.e how fresh is the data?) then that is indication that collector is configured but if not then that is not an indicator of an issue. AGREE?
- Geora: Agreed
Open Issues
- What API is available in ONAP/ECOMP and what data does it give us/not give us - currently i believe there MAY be an API into Vertica DB and we MAY be able to re-use geolinks API. Action is with Geora (per Chesla).
- Is there any enrichment required in context builder to allow us to access the data?
Pluggable Data Dictionary
Dynamic Rules
POMBA should support the mechanism of separating rules from validation service code, thereby allowing changing the rules without a rebuild or restart of the validation service. The text of the message displayed for each violation will be kept separately to allow text change without touching the code
Audit Trigger
Manual Trigger
Rest API is exposed to any orchestration tool (VID,..)
Manual request consists of the following attributes
Field Name | Description |
transaction-id | |
service-instance-id | |
model-version-id | |
model-invariant-id | |
Automated Trigger
The audit process will be triggered by consuming "orchestration complete" event from message router which will be generated by Service Orchestrator.
There are two types of orchestration flow:
- Macro flows
- A la carte flow
In case of Macro flow, the Service Orchestrator will produce "orchestration complete" event when the workflow of service instance with all its resources is completed In case of "A la-carte" flow, there are several workflows processed by SO, and SO may generate "orchestration complete" event at the end of each workflow request, which may represent only partial service instantiation process.
Orchestration Complete message published by SO into Message Router should include the following info
Field name | Description |
service-instance-id | |
model-version-id | |
model-invariant-id | |
transaction-id | |
Macro / A la-carte flow indicator | |
Open Issues
- Currently only talking with VID - other portals required?
- Is VID budgeted to implement 'audit initiate' button?
- What do we need to return to VID to make this useful? eg 'success/fail', results, graphical view, report, etc