The proposed classes/datatypes in this page are referenced from ETSI IFA011 v2.4.1.
Class: ScalingAspect
Attribute Name | Applied Stereotypes | Multiplicity | Type | Description |
id | M | 1 | Identifier | Unique identifier of this aspect in the VNFD. |
name | M | 1 | String | Human readable name of the aspect. |
description | M | 1 | String | Human readable description of the aspect. |
associatedGroup | M | 0..1 | Identifier (Reference to VnfdElementGroup) | Reference to the group of Vnfd elements defining this aspect. If present, scaling for this aspect is limited to the elements of the group, but there is no assumption that all the elements of the groups will be increased at each step. See note 1. |
maxScaleLevel | M | 1 | PositiveInteger | The maximum scaleLevel for total number of scaling steps that can be applied w.r.t. this aspect. The value of this attribute corresponds to the number of scaling steps can be applied to this aspect when scaling it from the minimum scale level (i.e. 0) to the maximum scale level defined by this attribute. See note 2. |
aspectDeltaDetails | M | 0..1 | AspectDeltaDetails | A specification of the deltas in terms of number of instances of VNFCs and virtual link bit rates that correspond to the scaling steps of this aspect. A cardinality of zero indicates that this mapping has to be specified in a lifecycle management script or be otherwise known to the VNFM. The information in this attribute, if provided, shall be consistent with the information provided in the "InstantiationLevel" information element. If this attribute is provided, it shall be provided for all scaling aspects. See notes 3 and 4. |
NOTE 1: In the present release of the specification, support for modifying the internal VNF topology during the scaling of the internal VLs, is not required. NOTE 2: A scaling step is the smallest increment by which a VNF can be scaled for a particular aspect. Scaling by a single step does not imply that only one VNFC instance is created or removed. It means that one or more VNFC instances are created from the same VDU or from different VDUs, or that a more complex setup occurs. NOTE 3: The presence of this attribute does not preclude associating lifecycle management scripts to scaling-related events in the VNFD. NOTE 4: It is discouraged to provide both associatedGroup and aspectDeltaDetails, but if they are both present they shall not conflict. |