- update cadi.properties with the correct information for your environment. /opt/onap/appc/data/properties/cadi.properties
properties include:
hostname= usually machine hostname, should be unique
aaf_url= AAF instance to connect to
aaf_id= id used to connect to AAF
aaf_password= password associated with aaf_id
cadi_keyfile= keyfile used for password encryption
- edit aaa-aap-config.xml
swap commenting for tokenAuthRealm
<!-- <pair-value>org.onap.aaf.cadi.shiro.AAFRealm</pair-value> -->
<!-- <pair-value>org.opendaylight.aaa.shiro.realm.TokenAuthRealm</pair-value> -->
swap urls for urls to be secured by AAF. NOTE: DO THIS FOR ALL URLS USING authcBasic
<pair-value>authcBasic, roles[admin]</pair-value>
<!-- <pair-value>authcBasic, roles[org.onap.appc.odl|odl-api|*]</pair-value> -->
<!-- <pair-value>authcBasic, roles[admin]</pair-value> -->
<pair-value>authcBasic, roles[org.onap.appc.odl|odl-api|*]</pair-value>
- When you save the aaa-app-config.xml shiro should automatically reload the new configuration, if not you may need to restart APPC