- Status on outstanding items
- ODL upgrade (Patrick)
- DMaaP issue (Ryan)
- We got our fixes in; needed a new build from DMaaP for the MR client,.
- Currently working to verify in our WindRiver environment, working through environment issues, but Ryan did test successfully in his local.
- AAF Integration (Ryan, Scott)
- Security items
- Reintroduce ugraded EELF to clear logback issue?
- Defects
- Testing
- ConfigScaleOut (Ramya, Vidhya)
- CDT - did we get details from Amaresh?
- Resiliency (Aaron)
- Waiting on stable Beijing with Nitrogen to rerun tests
- Stability retest on Beijing (Scott)
- Waiting on stable Beijing with Nitrogen to rerun the 72hour soak test
- Upcoming milestone - RC0 on April 19.
- APPC Beijing RC0 Checklist
- Need to address failing jenkins jobs
- Need to provide release version artifacts
- Need to complete AAF story
- APPC Beijing RC0 Checklist