- Create MUSIC Install dir /opt/app/music
- Open /etc/hosts as sudo and enter the name of the vm alongside localhost in the line for E.g. localhost music-1. Some of the apt-get installation seem to require this.
- Ensure you have OpenJDK 8 on your machine.
- Download Apache Cassandra 3.0, install into /opt/app/music and follow these instructions http://cassandra.apache.org/doc/latest/getting_started/installing.html till and including Step
- By the end of this you should have Cassandra working.
- Download Apache Zookeeper 3.4.6, install into /opt/app/music and follow these instructions https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/trunkr3.4.11/zookeeperStarted.html pertaining to the standalone operation. By the end of this you should have Zookeeper working.
- Download the Version 8.5 Apache Tomcat and install it using these instructions https://tomcat.apache.org/download-80.cgi (this is for version 8.5).
- Create a music.properties file and place it in /opt/app/music/etc/. Here is a sample of the file: