Pictorial representation of Distributed KV Store with consuming services:
API Reference for the KV store:
Functionality :
- Ability to store configuration settings using reliable and distributed KV storage systems.
- Ability to provide leadership election among micro services.
- Ability to provide semaphore across service instances of ONAP services.
- Ability to modify the configuration settings
- Ability to inform active ONAP services of configuration changes.
- Ability to read the changed configuration
- config-seed micro service to load default values of configuration settings, if settings are not present in the distributed KV storage.
- Bootstrap phase functionality where each service upon startup reads the configuration settings from distribtued KV storage.
API Reference:
Testing and Integration:
The following type of tests will be ensured for MUSIC in this release:
- Unit tests: Currently has around 50% unit test coverage as evidenced above .and in the logs:
- Functional Test cases: Waiting for binaries to be uploaded to Nexus. Once that is done, functional tests can be run inside docker buildsFunctional Tests run in CSIT tests.
Example test case: https://git.onap.org/music/distributed-kv-store/tree/src/dkv/api/configHandlers_test.go