@startuml box "Internal
Systems" #LightBlue participant BSS as "OSS and BSS System" Participant LDAP as "OpenLDAP"
End box box "Generally
Edge" #LightGreen participant ELDAP as "Edge OpenLDAP" Participant EMB as "Edge Message Bus" Participant ESO as "Edge Service Orchestrator" Participant EAAI as "Edge Inventory" participant BNG as "vBNG" Participant DSC as "Domain Specific Controller" Participant HA as "Hardware Abstraction" Participant DU as "Distribution Unit" end box actor Customer BSS->LDAP: Add Subscriber LDAP -> ELDAP: Update Local LDAP Datastore ELDAP->EMB: Notification of Change EMB->ESO: Trigger Provision Port ESO->EAAI: Request vBNG Inventory EAAI -> ESO: Response vBNG Inventory ESO->BNG: Configure vBNG BNG->EMB: Completion Notification EMB->ESO: Completion Notification ESO->HA: Request Active Configuration HA-->DU: Request Active Configuration DU-->HA: Response Active Configuration HA->DU: Restart Port HA->EMB: Response Active Configuration EMB->ESO: Notify ESO ESO->EAAI: Update Edge Inventory EMB->BSS: Notify OSS and BSS @enduml |