Assemble/Welcome (5 min)
How Achieved
Participant Preparation required
Action items out
2 Review JIRA Backlog. Participants should be comfortable that they understand the backlog of tasks for our project ( 5 min)
Walk through the JIRA
& Gerrit
backlog to check for completeness
review: S3P requirements for VVP Beijing
create JIRA Tasks
Gildas to send email for sonar instructions, VII badge website & will put in ticket to LF helpdesk for the Jenkins CM linkages
3 Develop Next Sprint Participants should be comfortable with an achievable development sprint scope ( 30 min)
walk through Beijing EPICs , User Stories
propose a minimal "getting started" sprint scope.
ensure that suitable JIRA tasks are already in place to support this scope.
Create / edit
VVP Beijing Release Plan4 Relationships with other projects in Beijing? (10 min) review project handoffs
M4 Checklist
review handoffs with
create any necessary User Stories
5. Any other Business? (5 min)