- From the command line, invoke mvn test goal but specify the flag to enable remote debugging
mvn -Dmaven.surefire.debug test
The execution will stop with a message like:
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5005
- Configure a remote debug job in Eclipse. There are probably many ways to do this, but I opened Debug Configurations, selected "Remove Remote Java Applications", filled in Name: "remote debug on 5005", Host: localhost, Port: 5005. This step only needs to be done once.
- Set breakpoints of interest, and launch remote debugger created in step 3.
To just run a single test class instead of the whole works, start maven using the -Dtest param. For example,to only run tests defined in test Class DmaapResourceTest.java:
mvn -Dtest=DmaapResourceTest -Dmaven.surefire.debug test
- I was running on an Ubuntu 16.04 VM instantiated on Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager running on Windows 10, and did experience a problem stepping through some functions. In Eclipse, I disabled Preferences->Java→"Show method result after a step operation (if supported by the VM; may be slow)" which I found in an unrated answer in Ref 3 above.