Versions Compared


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  1. Security
    1. Logging RI:

      98% for

       Badge level for project 1578 is in_progress

    2. SONAR code coverage.  Plan is to get to >50% on all repos.
    3. TODO: communicate with security team
    4. Nexus IQ scans: 
  2. Scalability and Resiliency
    1. Working closely with OOM team (all Logging developers are also OOM contributors)
    2. Relying on kubernetes to manage Logging ELK stack resilience
  3. Performance and stability
    1. Focus to this point has been security and scalability/resiliency.  We will participate in the integration team's performance testing
    2. ELK stack can meet soak test requirements
  4. Manageablility
    1. Logging Filebeat sidecar refactor
      Possible sidecar refactor to use a deamonset in 
      Jira Legacy
      serverSystem Jira
    2. ELK stack can be instantiated in < 1hr - around 5-10 min as part of overall OOM deployment
  5. Usability
