- If so you may write your own implementation of "Organization"
- Ensure the ILM of choice can be access real-time, or consider exporting the data into File Based mechanism (see entry)
AAF comes with a "DefaultOrganization", which implements a file based localization of ILM in a simple text file
- Each line represents an identity in the organization, including essential contact information, and reporting structure
- This file can be updated by bringing in the entire file via ftp or other file transfer protocol, HOWEVER
- Provide a process that
- Validates no corruption has occurred
- Pulls the ENTIRE file down before moving into the place where AAF Components will see it.
- Take advantage of UNIX File System behaviors, by MOVING the file into place (mv), rather than copying while AAF is Active
- Provide a process that
- Note: This file-based methodology has been shown to be extremely effective for a 1 million+ OrganizationIdentity organization
Initializing Default Implementation
This is recommended for learning/testing AAF. You can modify and save off this information for your Organizational use at your discretion.
On your Linux box (creating/setting permissions as required)
mkdir -p /opt/app/osaaf
cd /opt/app/osaaf
# Download AAF_sample_config_v1.zip (TBA)
jar -xvf AAF_sample_config_v1.zip
Create your own Certificate Authority (this is recommended to get started, even if you utilize a different CA later)
- view README.txt
Setting this initial Data can be done directly onto Cassadra using "cqlsh" using the following "cql" files:
- init<version>.cql (whatever is latest in the "zip" file)
- osaaf.cql