Versions Compared


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R2+ AttributesQualifierCardinalityContentDescriptionProducerConsumer
uuidM1String(Identifier)Identifier of Fowarding ConstructSDCSDC/UUI/SDNC
nameO1StringHuman readable name for FCSDCSDC/UUI/SDNC
versionM1StringIdentify the version of FCSDCSDC/UUI/SDNC
descriptionO1StringAdditional infomation for FC descriptionSDCSDC/UUI/SDNC
topologyM1StringFC topology, valid values for now: ['hub-spoke', 'fullmesh', 'p2p']SDCSDC/UUI/SDNC
tenantO1StringTenant information for the FCSDCSDC/UUI/SDNC
creatorO1StringThe creator of the FCSDCSDC/UUI/SDNC
endPointDIdM1..NStringReferences the end points of FC. Each end point is described by FC Point.SDCSDC/UUI/SDNC
subFcDIdM0..NStringReferences the lower level FCs which are internal construction of an FC. Lower level FC could belong to different domain.SDCSDC/UUI/SDNC
fcRouteDIdM0..NStringReferences the fc route which describes the routing relationships within FC.SDCSDC/UUI/SDNC
configurationDIdM0..NStringReferences the specify configurationSDCSDC/UUI/SDNC


R2+ AttributesQualifierCardinalityContentDescriptionProducerConsumer
uuidM1String(Identifier)Identifier of FC RouteSDCSDC/UUI/SDNC
nameO1StringHuman readable name for FC RouteSDCSDC/UUI/SDNC
versionM1StringIdentify the version of FC RouteSDCSDC/UUI/SDNC
descriptionO1StringAdditional infomation for FC Route descriptionSDCSDC/UUI/SDNC
xcDIdM0..NStringReferences the related XC which describes the exchange relationship within network elementSDCSDC/UUI/SDNC
lcDIdM0..NStringReferences the related Link Connection which describes the connection between network elementsSDCSDC/UUI/SDNC
subFcDIdM0..NStringReferences the lower level FCs which are internal construction of an FC. Lower level FC could belong to different domain.SDCSDC/UUI/SDNC
configurationDIdM0..NStringReferences the specify configurationSDCSDC/UUI/SDNC
