- use Camunda REST API, GET /process-defintion/{id}/xml
- Get the state of a process instance from the activity-instances
- Use Camunda REST API, get/process-instance/{id}/activity-instances
- Render the BPMN XML with bpmn.io and places markers on top of it, and provide Service instance detail views.
- Design
- This widget will be on the secondary/pop-up browser page.
- The Service List page will be the primiary page, so the user can open multiple Service Instance Rendering and Detail pages.
- The number of pages can be limited to the default 10, but it can be configured.
- The search criteria fields are for display only, and they cannot be changed.
- The Detail panel is scrollable and display contents with the tag: value formt.
- Query a process instance with the matched 'serviceInstanceId' process variable.
- get a process instande id: query bases on the process variable,
- GET /history/variable-instance/{variableValue}, where {variableValue} = 'serviceIntanceId' ;
- query BPML XML based on a process instance id
- GET /process-definition/{id}/xml
- query the process instance detail such as process variables
- GET /process-instance/{id}/variables
- Display the process variables on the Service Instance Detail panel
- query and activity instance (tree) for the process instance id
- GET /process-instance/{id}/activity-instances
- GET /history/activity-instance/{id}/activity-instances
- The response provides child activity instance info. By using this we can find the parent and child process instnce id and definition id.
- If the current process instance id has its parent, enable the Drill-Up button.
- When a user clicks on a task, display the task varables
- GET /task/{id}variables
- When the task activity type is call activity, it enables the Drill-Down button.
- get a process instande id: query bases on the process variable,
- Render the process instance diagram with the retrieved XML.
use bpmn.io javascript library for the XML rendering and event attachments for process instance tasks.
- This widget will be on the secondary/pop-up browser page.
- REST APIs for providing data to UIs
- Capabilities
- Provides REST services, by utilzing 1) Camunda REST APIs, such as BPMN XML string, process activity data, process variable, statistic, and 2) SO Request DB APIs for a service list.
- Consolidate data responses from multpile multple Camunda calls (both from process and history database) and feed them to UIs.
- Use of HistoryService APIs, example, processEngine.getHistoryService().createHistoricProcessVariableQuery().xyz
- Set a History level to ACTIVITY as a minimum; AUDIT (default) level for process variable tracing
- Provides workflow tracing (between parent-child workflows, interaction with other services; service task in and out); example,
- processEngine.getRuntimeService().createExecutionQuery().processVariableValueEquals("serviceInstanceId", serviceInstanceId).singleResult();
- Custom Query
- Custom Query against History ACT_HI_DETAIL database table, as needed
- Create a REST API, getServiceList with search criteria
- invoke getInfraRequest(...) to collect service list data based on search criteria.
- Design
- Write REST APIs
- getServiceList(...) invokes new getInfraRequest(...)
- getProcessInstanceId(String serviceInstanceId);
- getprocessDiagram(String processInstanceId); getProcessDiagram(String serviceInstanceId);
- getprocessInstanceDetail(String processInstanceId); getProcessInstanceDetail(String serviceInstanceId);
- getProcessInstanceActivity(String processInstanceId); getProcessInstanceActivity(String serviceInstanceId);
- getProcessTaskDetail(String taskId);
- getProcessTaskType(String taskid);
- Write REST APIs
- Capabilities