- Capabilities
- Capabilities
- REST APIs for providing data to UIs
- Provides REST services, by utilzing 1) Camunda REST APIs, such as BPMN XML string, process activity data, process variable, statistic, and 2) SO Request DB APIs for a service list.
- Consolidate data responses from multpile Camunda calls and feed them to UIs.
- Use of HistoryService APIs, example, processEngine.getHistoryService().createHistoricProcessVariableQuery().xyz
- Set a History level to ACTIVITY as a minimum; AUDIT (default) level for process variable tracing
- Provides workflow tracing (between parent-child workflows, interaction with other services; service task in and out); example,
- processEngine.getRuntimeService().createExecutionQuery().processVariableValueEquals("serviceInstanceId", serviceInstanceId).singleResult();
- Custom Query
- Custom Query against History ACT_HI_DETAIL database table, as needed
- Create a REST API, getServiceList with search criteria
- invoke getInfraRequest(...) to collect service list data based on search criteria.
- Custom History Event Producer
- Populate additional data in history with extensibility