Versions Compared


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ONAP will require certain ports open by CIDR to several static domain names in order to deploy defined in a security group.  At runtime the list is reduced.


ONAP on deployment will require the following incoming and outgoing ports.  Note: within ONAP rest calls between components will be handled inside the Kubernetes namespace by the DNS server running as part of K8S.


Software Profile

Rancher 1.6.14

Helm 2.8.0

Kubernetes 1.8.6

Docker 17.03.2

Ubuntu 16.04

The rest of the software versions are specific to the 90+ docker containers running for example MariaDB, Jetty... etc.  All of the software is open source and encapsulated in the containers themselves.  The containers implement a REST based microservices architecture.

Microsoft Azure

Monthly Cost

Cost $USArtifactDetails
$102.2/m at $0.14/h

VM running Ubuntu 16.04

$12.0/m at $0.1/m/GbEBS volume120Gb
$2.0/mElastic EIP

AMI image snapshot



Amazon AWS

VM: Minimum EC2 instance of size 61G (ideally 128G) with a 120+GB EBS volume (ideally 1024GB) and at least 8 vCores (ideally 64 vCores), network 1Gbps (ideally 10Gbps).

We can implement proper public/private VPC peering but for this lab environment security will be on the Kubernetes Admin/client-token only.


There is an R4.2xlarge instance type that has been the lowest cost instance that can run all of ONAP (except DCAE) and has been demonstrated since Amsterdam on the CD system.  The cost on the spot market is between 72 to 89% off the reserved cost at around $0.14/hour on us-east(N. Virgina DC) and 0.07/hour in us-east(Ohio DC)


Cost $USArtifactDetails
$102.2/m at $0.14/h

EC2 spot VM running Ubuntu 16.04


$12.0/m at $0.1/m/GbEBS volume120Gb
$2.0/mElastic EIP

AMI image snapshot





Spot template

security group

IAM profile

ssh key


public VPC

Network Interface

EBS Volume

Auto scaling group

Amazon Cloudformation Template

Code Block
SPOT only
  "IamFleetRole": "arn:aws:iam::453279094200:role/aws-ec2-spot-fleet-tagging-role",
  "AllocationStrategy": "lowestPrice",
  "TargetCapacity": 1,
  "SpotPrice": "0.532",
  "ValidFrom": "2018-01-31T20:31:16Z",
  "ValidUntil": "2019-01-31T20:31:16Z",
  "TerminateInstancesWithExpiration": true,
  "LaunchSpecifications": [
      "ImageId": "ami-aa2ea6d0",
      "InstanceType": "r4.2xlarge",
      "KeyName": "obrien_systems_aws_20141115",
      "SpotPrice": "0.532",
      "BlockDeviceMappings": [
          "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
          "Ebs": {
            "DeleteOnTermination": true,
            "VolumeType": "gp2",
            "VolumeSize": 120,
            "SnapshotId": "snap-0dcc947e7c10bed94"
      "SecurityGroups": [
          "GroupId": "sg-de2185a9"
  "Type": "request"
