Each project should have its own page with all of the associated project pages / attachments under it.
For consistency, use the same <project Name> as recoded in the list of Resources and RepositoriesMinutes (01/29/2018)
- Import MUSIC code from ATT to ONAP by end of week [Tom]
- Prepare draft of functional test cases before next meeting [Bharath, Tom, Garima]
- OOM integration [Tom to create JIRA entry, Vishwa will track this with OOM]
- Understanding Distributed KV store responsibilities regarding milestones [Sashank]
- Potential integration of Distributed KV store as a recipe on top of MUSIC [Sashank]
- Agenda for next meeting: Go over all the above and deep dive of MUSIC concepts [Bharath]
- Send invite for regular meeting slot [Bharath]
Release Planning
Amsterdam Release