Each project should have its own page with all of the associated project pages / attachments under it.
For consistency, use the same <project Name> as recoded in the list of Resources and RepositoriesActive and Available Inventory (AAI) is the ONAP subsystem that provides real-time views of Resources and Services and their relationships. AAI not only forms a registry of active, available, and assigned assets, it also maintains up-to-date views of the multidimensional relationships among these assets, including their relevance to different components of ONAP.
This project targets a logically centralized reference point for service and resource details serving other ONAP components and non-ONAP systems to enable fulfillment, closed loop, reporting, and other operational use cases. A&AI is critical to ONAP as the existing sources of truth do not provide a cross domain view and are not designed to serve this information to multiple clients.
Contributing to AAI
Getting Started: Start with Getting Involved to set up your ONAP development environment. AAI repos can be checked out using ONAP gerrit: AAI in ONAP Gerrit
Feedback: You can provide feedback on the onap-discuss list, sign up here: ONAP Discuss List
Bug reports: AAI Jira
Contributing to AAI: Join the onap-discuss list or attend AAI's weekly meetings for information on how you can help.
Approved Project Proposal