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Table of Contents


Underlying optimization platform: Code developed by University of Melbourne and Monash University

Pacakging Packaging and verification of OOF System: VMWare, NetCracker, AT&T


The OOF execution environment contains the minizinc system, along with data/template rendering system that leverages the adapters to various systems. The flow of execution can be configured via the conifguration configuration file for the application and supports a choice of specific solver or invocations to custom/external solvers.  

Simple Example: Budget Constrained


Maximum Network Flow Problem

Problem Description


Illustration of the bugdetbudget-constrained max-flow problem. Given a set of starting nodes and destination nodes, the objective is to calculate the maximum amount of "flow" across the nodes, subject to capacity constraints of nodes, constraints on the capacity of the connections (edges), as well as costs associated with utilization of each connection (edge). The objective is to maximize the flow subject to the budget constraint.


Minizinc Model

titleData file used in the example application. The file format is dzn (Minizinc data format) and the file uses the widely used jinja2 templating for Python, with support for OOF to objects such as "input" (the input API request), SDC (a dummy object that provides network capacities of nodes, as well as cost per unit network utilization), and AAI (another dummy object that provides bandwith for links among different nodes). This data template is rendered into a data file (dzn format), which, together with the model file defines a complete optimization problem.
int: N;  % input nodes 
int: M;  % output nodes 
int: maxbw; % max bandwidth (for convenience) 
float: budget;

set of int: inNodes = 1..N;
set of int: outNodes = 1..M;

array[inNodes] of int: inCap;  % capacities for input nodes 
array[outNodes] of int: outCap;  % capacity for output nodes 
array[inNodes, outNodes] of int: bw;  % max bandwidth of link 
array[inNodes, outNodes] of float: cost;  % unit cost for the link 
array[inNodes, outNodes] of var 0..maxbw: x;  % amount through this link 

constraint forall (i in inNodes) (sum (j in outNodes) (x[i,j]) <= inCap[i]);
constraint forall (j in outNodes) (sum (i in inNodes) (x[i,j]) <= outCap[j]);
constraint forall (i in inNodes, j in outNodes) (x[i,j] <= bw[i,j]);

constraint sum (i in inNodes, j in outNodes) (x[i,j] * cost[i,j]) <= budget;


% The following policy can due to run-time insertion of a policy specified by the service provider

% another "stringent" service-specific policy 
constraint sum (i in inNodes, j in outNodes) (x[i,j] * cost[i,j]) <= 0.8 * budget;


% Another example of a policy inserted at run-time after evaluation of relevant policies for this service

% each link cannot have more than 20% of traffic from a customer 
var flow = sum (i in inNodes, j in outNodes) (x[i,j]);
constraint forall (i in inNodes, j in outNodes) (x[i,j] <= 0.2 * flow);

solve maximize sum (i in inNodes, j in outNodes) (x[i,j]);

Minizinc Data Template

titleData file used in the for the example application. The file format is dzn (Minizinc data format) and the file uses the widely used jinja2 templating for Python, with support for OOF to objects such as "input" (the input API request), SDC (a dummy object that provides network capacities of nodes, as well as cost per unit network utilization), and AAI (another dummy object that provides bandwith for links among different nodes). This data template is rendered into a data file (dzn format), which, together with the model file defines a complete optimization problem.
% Relevant calls to APIs
{% inNodes, outNodes, budget = input.get("inNodes", "outNodes", "budget") %}
{% inCap, outCap = SDC.getCapacities(inNodes, outNodes) %};
{% bw = AAI.getBandwidthMatrix(inNodes, outNodes) %};
{% cost = SDC.getNetworkCostMatrix(inNodes, outNodes) %};

N = {{ len(inNodes) }};
M = {{ len(outNodes) }};
maxbw = {{ max(max(bw)) }};
budget = {{ budget }};

inCap = {{ inCap }};
outCap = {{ outCap }};

bw = {{ mzn.toMatrix(bw) }}; % writes it out as minizinc matrix
cost = {{ mzn.toMatrix(cost) }};

Minizinc Data File

titleRendered Minizinc Data File (from Template)
N = 5;
M = 4;
maxbw = 20;
budget = 50;

inCap = [10, 5, 0, 4, 20];

outCap = [10, 0, 5, 4];

bw = [| 10,  5,  0,  0
      |  2,  4, 10,  0
      |  4,  4, 10,  0
      |  2,  0,  0,  5
      |  0,  0,  0,  1 |];

cost = [|  1,  1, 10, 20
        | 90, 90, 90, 90
        |  2,  1,  1,  1
        |  2, 10, 10,  1
        |  9,  9,  9, 99.9 |];


This use case is meant to provide a basic skeleton for dscribing describing an example change management scheduling optimization problem. Typical CMSO applications involve a large range of constraints for describing the time constraints as well as complex inter-dependencies across different tasks and entitites entities involved in the change management process. For this initial use case, we provide a small set of simple constraints via a simple but non-trivial application as a means to show how the OOF can be leveraged. As the broader CMSO use case evolves, we anticipate to make the application more representative. 


ONAP-MC currently provides infrastructure statistics and infrastructure fault notification/remediation as services. For ONAP R1, the MC service encompasse encompass detailed infrastructure utilization statistics across various subsystems compute, network, storage and energy. For ONAP R2 and beyond, this service plans to provide aggregate infrastructure utilization statistics at a multi-cloud instance level, clusters within a multi-cloud instance level etc.


  • Optimized SON dynamic spectrum allocation
  • White space and un-licensed unlicensed spectrum use
  • Optimized VNF placement across distributed DCs for network slicing
  • Slice optimization
  • Macro and micro cell interplays
  • Energy optimization
  • Zero touch new carrier integration


Higher Order Control Loop: VNF and Service scaling across multiple cloud instances

For Day 1 depoloyment deployment of ONAP and going forward, dynamic scaling of VNF/service instances would entail the following:


  1. Amsterdam Release: OOF did not participate in the Amsterdam Release
  2. Beinjing Beijing Release: 
    1. This is the first release. Details on the committmentscommitments, user stories, etc., are available at the Beijing Release Page
    2. Seed code from AT&T was onboarded by mid-January, 2018
