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Table of Contents

This is a potential draft of a project proposal template.  It is not final or to be used until the TSC approves it.

Project Name:

  • Proposed name for the project: DCAE
  • Proposed name for the top level repository name: dcaegen2
    • Note: For the 4Q17 release, one of major goals for DCAE is to evolve from the "old" controller that is currently in with a new controller that follows the Common Controller Framework.  The switch will maintain external (to other ONAP component) compatibility, but NOT backwards compatible internally.   That is, subcomponents built for the old controller will not work with the new controller or vice versa.  We are proposing to us a new top level naming “dcaegen2” for repos of subcomponents that are compatible with the new controller because it appears to be the cleanest approach to avoid confusion.  The existing "dcae" top level still hosts repos of subcomponent projects that are compatible with the old controller.  Eventually we will phase out the "dcae" tree.

Project description:

DCAE is the umbrella name for a number of components collectively fulfilling the role of Data Collection, Analytics, and Events generation for ONAP.  The architecture of DCAE targets flexible, plug-able, micros-service oriented, model based component deployment and service composition.  DCAE also support multi-site collection and analytics operations which are essential for large ONAP deployments. 

DCAE components generally fall into two categories: DCAE Platform Components and DCAE Services Components.  DCAE Platform consists of components that are needed for any deployments.  They form the foundation for deploying and managing DCAE Service components, which are deployed on-demand based on specific collection and analytics needs.

DCAE Platform

DCAE Platform consists of a growing list of components.  For R1 release this includes the Cloudify Manager, Consul, Dispatcher, Policy Handler, Service Changing Handler, Service Infrastructure (Docker host and CDAP cluster), and CDAP Broker.  Their roles and functions are described below:


The DCAE platform is expected to be deployed through the ONAP Operations Manager (OOM).  There are two ways to deploy a DCAE system: 1. all DCAE components (both Platform and Service components) deployed by the OOM; or 2. the OOM deploys only the core DCAE platform functions, namely the Lifecycle Manager (Cloudify) and the Service & Config Registry (Consul).  Then this platform core subsequently deploys all other DCAE Platform components.  Note that the platform core is based on the same software tools that are part of the Common Controller SDK just like OOM.  Because of the multi-level responsibility structure, option 2 is more suitable for larger DCAE systems that span cross multiple sites and security and infrastructure technology boundaries.  We will use the option 2 as example in the DCAE Service component deployment description too. 

DCAE Services

DCAE provides data collection and analysis services to the ONAP.  Different analysis services will require different collection components and analytics components.  They are distinct from DCAE Platform components because they are dynamically deployed and managed based on service needs.  More over they are deployed and managed by the DCAE Platform.  These are the DCAE Service components.  


Dedicated DCAE Portal/GUI is not part of the DCAE project under the current scope.  In future if such portal is deemed necessary, it may be developed under DCAE, or under Portal or VID project.  At present time, certain aspects of DCAE operation status can be displayed by utilizing a combination of native GUI/Portal of the open source software tools used by DCAE (e.g. CDAP GUI, Cloudify portal, etc), or CLAMP cockpit for a more service level end-to-end view in which DCAE is only a part, or CLI-style and RestAPI interaction for status probing. 

Project Scope:

Because of the large potential scope for DCAE, the components proposed for 4Q17 R1 are prioritized as follows:


  • How does this project fit into the rest of the ONAP Architecture?

    DCAE performs a vital function within the ONAP architecture.  DCAE collects performance metrics and fault data from the VNFs, PNFs, and computing infrastructure, performing local and global analytics, and generating events that are provided for downstream ONAP components (e.g. Policy) for further operations.

    DCAE follows the TOSCA model based ONAP Operations Manager and Common Controller SDK architecture for component on-boarding, close-loop triggered or event (e.g. A&AI) triggered collector and analytics deployment, configuration, and scaling.

  • What other ONAP projects does this project depend on?
    • A&AI, Policy, Micro Services, Modeling, CLAMP, SDC, OOM, CCSDK, DMaaP, Common Services, MultiVIM, Integration, Holmes
  • How does this align with external standards/specifications?
    • TOSCA
    • VES (OPNFV)
  • Are there dependencies with other open source projects?
    • CDAP, Cloudify, Consul, Hadoop, Elastic Search, PostgreSQL, MariaDB


Primary Contact Person

  • John F. Murray (AT&T)
  • Lusheng Ji (AT&T)


NameGerrit IDCompanyEmailTime ZoneDCAE Component Focus
Lusheng JiwriderAT&

New Jersey, USA


Vijay Venkatesh Kumarvv770dAT&T

New Jersey, USA


Tony HansenTonyLHansenAT&T

New Jersey, USA


database, storage, analytics
Mike HwangresearchmikeAT&Tmhwang@research.att.comNew Jersey, USA EST/EDTcontroller
Yan YangyangyanChina Mobileyangyanyj@chinamobile.comBeijing, China. UTC +8collectors
Xinhui LixinhuiliVMwarelxinhui@vmware.comBeijing, China. UTC +8collectors


Names and affiliations of any other contributors



EmailDCAE Component/Repo FocusCommitment (%) 


Alok Gupta


Gayathri Patrachari


Alexei Nekrassovnekrassov@att.comAnalytics50%

Tommy Carpentertommy@research.att.comCDAP Broker, Config binding service>50%

Jack Lucasjflucas@research.att.comDeployment Handler, Cloudify Manager >50%

Alexander V Shatovalexs@research.att.comPolicy Handler >50%

David Laduedl3158@att.comSNMP Trap Collector50% 

Gokul Singraju gs244f@att.comVES 


Maryam Tahhan


Tim Verrall
China MobileYuan Liu

HuaweiAvinash S     

Actual contribution TBD for below
 AT&TJerry Robinson   


Zhangxiong Zhou

Deutsch TelcomMark Fiedler


Xin Miao

IBMYusuf Mirza

David Parfett

Mathew Thomas

Janki Vora

Amandeep Singh


Vincent Colas

Olivier Augizeau

 Pawel Pawlak

Reliance Jio

Aayush Bhatnagar



Tech Mahindra

Sandeep Singh

Abhinav Singh

VMwareSumit Verdi


  • Project Roles (include RACI chart, if applicable)

Other Information

  • link to seed code (if applicable)
  • Vendor Neutral
    • if the proposal is coming from an existing proprietary codebase, have you ensured that all proprietary trademarks, logos, product names, etc., have been removed?

      The current seed code has been already scanned and cleanup to remove all proprietary trademarks, logos, etc. except openecomp to be replaced by onap

      Subsequent modification to the existing seed code should continue to follow the same scanning and clean up principles.

  • Meets Board policy (including IPR)

Use the above information to create a key project facts section on your project page

Key Project Facts

Project Name:

  • JIRA project name:  Data Collection Analytics and Events
  • JIRA project prefix: dcaegen2
