Since DCAE Controller/SOMF is build on top of EMF developement development is tightly tied to using Eclipse IDE with specific plugin installed. This section describe the process to setup a developement development Eclipse.
- Install Neon.3 Java Developer Version http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-ide-java-developers/neon3
- Install software from Neon update site
- Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment 3.12.2.v20161124-1400
- EMF - Eclipse Modeling Framework Xcore SDK 1.4.0.v20160526-0606
- Install software from Eclipse Market Place
- YEdit Feature
- Install Groovy from http://dist.springsource.org/snapshot/GRECLIPSE/e4.6/
- Groovy-Eclipse Feature 2.9.2.xx-201703131833-e46
- Groovy-Eclipse M2E integration 2.9.2.xx-201703131833-e46
- Groovy Compiler 2.4 Feature 2.9.2.xx-201703131833-e46