Xu Yang: In my opinion, the VnfInfo, InstantiatedVnfInfo, etc. can be mapped to attributes of the corresponding resource instance objects.
To complete the mapping, we should be more specific, I´ve not found any specific attributes in ECOMP IM UML documentation: ONAP Resource 2017-11-08.docx
Design Time Model
Resource General View Diagram
- VnfcDesc is composed of one or more DeploymentFlavor(s), one or more VnfcDesc(s), one or more VnfExtCpDesc(s) and zero or more VnfVlDesc(s).
- DeploymentFlavor references VnfcDesc and VnfVlDesc.
- VnfcDesc is composed of one VirtualComputeDesc, one or more VirtualStorageDesc(s), zero or more SwImageDesc(s) and one or more VnfcCpDesc(s).
- A VirtualStorageDesc can reference a SwImageDesc.
- A VnfExtCpDesc references to a VnfcCpDesc.
- VnfcCpDesc can reference a VnfVlDesc.
VnfVirtualLink, LinkPort, VirtualNetwork
InECOMP IM UML documentation: ONAP Resource 2017-11-08.docx and ONAP Service 2017-11-08.docx no class definition about Virtual Link, VnfVirtualLink and NSVirtualLInk, LinkPort, VirtualNetwork defined in ETSI IFA.
VNFCLinkPort class in Resource package as a group of connection points per VNFCInstance (1..*) not clearly mapped against the model above.