Problem Resolved:roblem Resolved
- Design vDesign time catalog
SDC now support the VNF package onboard, and
NS design. After the VNF package onboard and design, the packages will be categorized and put into the SDC catalog. SDC catalog also supports the package status of design time, such as check in/ check out/ in design/Ready for testing/in testing/Certified/distributed.
- vRun-Time in R1
In Run-Time, there
exists template and recipes, workflows of different levels such as service/NS/resources in different components(SO, VFC, SDNC, APPC, Policy, …).
SO consumes service template, VFC consumes network service and VNF template, policy consumes service/network/VNF rule recipes and so on.
- Lack of unified catalog management in the Run-Time
In the Run-Time, it is hard to manage the catalog in a unified way among the different levels and runtime instances.
- Unified Model API
Now many Run-Time components use different parser, and do some repeat works. The Run-Time catalog will also consider the unified models API based on the design
template, exposed to all Run-Time components, reducing the complex and repeatable parser work.
Project Name:
• Proposed name for the project: ONAP Runtime Catalog
• Proposed name for the repository: RT-Catalog
VNF catalog(VNF image, templates, scripts, recipes,……), PNF catalog(….)
- Provide all level catalog management, including design time catalog synchronization, on-boarding, enable, disable, update, delete catalog item in the
- Run-Time
- provide the catalog relation management among the different levels.
- Provide the catalog status management in the run-time, such as IN_USE, NOT_IN_USE, ENABLED, DISABLED, etc
- Provide the API to fetch the packages or files in the catalog, including the external system, and inner components
- Provide the API to consume the descriptor parser result, reducing the package download time consuming between the different components.
Architecture Alignment:
- How does this project fit into the rest of the ONAP Architecture?
- Please Include architecture diagram if possible
- What other ONAP projects does this project depend on?
- Multi-VIM
- Model
- Image Management(proposed)
- Integration
- Please Include architecture diagram if possible
- How does this align with external standards/specifications?
- APIs/Interfaces - OpenAPI/Swagger, ETSI NFV
- Information/data models - Swagger JSON
- Are there dependencies with other open source projects?
- APIs/Interfaces - mysql, Django
- Integration Testing
- etc.