-r | --release <RELEASE_NAME> - The specific release you want to pull and deploy. By default this option will point to the latest docker version available
Code Block docker_run.sh -r 1.1-STAGING-latest
-e | --environment <ENV-NAME> - The environment name you want to be deployed. By Default this option will be the AUTO environment.
Code Block docker_run.sh -e ENV
-p | --port <DOCKER_HUB_PORT> - The port from which to connect to the docker nexus. By Default this option will point to the port: 10003
Code Block docker_run.sh -p 10001
-l | --local <Run-without-pull> - This option is for deploying the dockers found locally on the machine without pulling them first. By default, not adding this flag will pull the dockers from the servers.
Code Block docker_run.sh -l
-s t | --skipTests runTests <Run-withoutwith-sanityDocker> - This options is to disable enable the sanity docker run after all the other dockers has been started. By default, not adding this flag will run the sanity docker after the dockers been started
Code Block docker_run.sh -st
-h | --help - This option will display all the options above.
Code Block docker_run.sh -h