Please refer to detailed architecture documentation here (ReadTheDocs link). Anchor Architecture Architecture
Designing Services
The Portal provides the following design-time features:
- Service Design and Creation (SDC): visual design tools for Services
- Policy creation (editing and conflict identification tools)
- Visual design tools for Analytic Applications (out-of-scope for first ONAP release)
Instantiating Services
The Portal offers a Virtual Instantiation Deployment (VID) GUI to trigger MSO SO instantiation of Services and components that have been certified and distributed for production. These services may include:
- Infrastructure Services (such as compute and storage resources)
- Network Services (Virtual Network Functions)
- Application Services (such as a load-balancing function)
VID reads the models created in SDC, and, in turn, forwards the appropriate information to MSO SO during the Service instantiation process.
See the Installing and Running the ONAP Demos page for a scenario that uses the VID interface.
The forthcoming User Guide will provide a comprehensive user-focused view of the capabilities of the Portal.
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For developers who wish to add applications that interact with ONAP components, and offer a user interface exposed through the Portal, there is a Portal Software Development Kit (SDK). This SDK includes bundled tools, technologies, and built-in capabilities such as services, APIs, and User Interface controls. By adhering to the SDK, developers create applications that have a consistent look and feel, and can interact with other applications. Applications can be developed as full web pages or as functional widgets to facilitate a seamless user experience
Applications and widgets developed using the Portal SDK are onboarded via the tools available to an Portal Administrator. The Administrator creates or assigns roles for the application, and makes the application visible to users via menus or links.
Portal Platform Main Components
Context-Aware UI Controls: Since the ONAP Portal Core serves both as the point of entry and as the provider of context-aware menus and UI controls, it can ensure that when a user jumps from one application to another, the application menu items remain consistent and comply with the user’s access level. (This property of access control is called "Single Sign-On (SSO)".)
Visualization & Reporting Engine: This component is used to develop analytical reports and visualizations on AVP / RCloud / RSpeed / RAPTOR.