- Modeling sub-committee workspaces
- Proposed M3 Checklist: ONAP R2+ M3 Checklist modeling updates discussion
- Timeline for VNFD Template (TOSCA) (All)
- Explore identifying stable draft on a per class basis
- Begin producing Templates based on stable classes
- UML Progress Update (Andy and Kevin)
- Andy Mayer put link to data dictionary files on Modeling Sub-committee pages
- Export to Papyrus update (continue working in EA and export to Papyrus for December draft)
- Word version will be available at: VNF Desc & Service Desc Model Files
- Use Case Examples (Alex Vul (Deactivated)) continue next time. See: https://wiki.onap.org/download/attachments/8226078/tosca-ent-deployment-flexing.pdf?api=v2
- HEAT in ONAP: https://gerrit.onap.org/r/gitweb?p=demo.git;a=tree;f=heat;h=3ef7d596c4060d36f882832a1f17d6b90a57497e;hb=refs/heads/master