- Discussed...1
- vote on ways to edit the guidelines next meet
- vote meeting agenda flow - guide first, JIRA second ?
- onap config is split - oom is working merging heat and oom
- (oom config in oom project, heat it is in each project distributed across components)
- discuss (raise epic) combining config - or raise a hierarchy (oparent?) - default version with specific overrides if required per project
- need to discuss eelf consistency and MDC details for next meeting
- LOG-85 discuss external mounts for /dockerdata-nfs shares and how to get it to work with emptyDir()
- upfront arch discussion on implementation changes in the JIRA architecture page for epics in R2
- small demo of functionality - proposals
- f2f - discussions of logging exposure in the talks/hands-on/discussion-panels
- vFirewall integration testing (daily) - always asking for logs in HEAT testing - we could address this in R2 either either through HEAT ELK or when OOM gets consumed in R2
- 2 logging related NPE bugs - we can fix these as well - we have 2 weeks
- as above
Attendees - nn