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ONAP Kibana Dashboard

Image Added

Logging Framework Deployment

The ELK stack containers are under the onap-log namespace in the the OOM deployment  deployment of ONAP.  They should be started by default - if not you can start them manually.


Code Block
# look for log containers
root@ip-172-31-82-46:~# kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -a | grep onap-log
onap-log              elasticsearch-2934588800-st9j3           1/1       Running            0          3h
onap-log              kibana-3372627750-ff8rv                  1/1       Running            0          3h
onap-log              logstash-1708188010-703pk                1/1       Running            0          3h

# start the ELK stack if required
root@ip-172-31-82-46:~/oom/kubernetes/oneclick# ./createAll.bash -n onap -a log

# check access ports (30254 and 30253)
root@ip-172-31-82-46:~/oom/kubernetes/oneclick# kubectl get services --all-namespaces -a | grep onap-log
onap-log              elasticsearch     <nodes>       9200:30254/TCP                                                               
onap-log              kibana           <nodes>       5601:30253/TCP                                                               
onap-log              logstash          <none>        5044/TCP  

# check for pods with filebeat containers (will be 2 per pod)
root@kos1001:/dockerdata-nfs/onap/robot# kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -a | grep 2/2
onap-aai              aai-resources-338473047-8k6vr           2/2       Running            0          7h
onap-aai              aai-traversal-2033243133-6cr9v          2/2       Running            0          7h
onap-aai              model-loader-service-3356570452-25fjp   2/2       Running            0          7h
onap-aai              search-data-service-2366687049-jt0nb    2/2       Running            0          7h
onap-aai              sparky-be-3141964573-f2mhr              2/2       Running            0          7h
onap-appc             appc-1335254431-v1pcs                   2/2       Running            0          7h
onap-mso              mso-3911927766-bmww7                    2/2       Running            0          7h
onap-policy           drools-2302173499-t0zmt                 2/2       Running            0          7h
onap-policy           pap-1954142582-vsrld                    2/2       Running            0          7h
onap-policy           pdp-4137191120-qgqnj                    2/2       Running            0          7h
onap-portal           portalapps-4168271938-4kp32             2/2       Running            0          7h
onap-portal           portaldb-2821262885-0t32z               2/2       Running            0          7h
onap-sdc              sdc-be-2986438255-sdqj6                 2/2       Running            0          7h
onap-sdc              sdc-fe-1573125197-7j3gp                 2/2       Running            0          7h
onap-sdnc             sdnc-3858151307-w9h7j                   2/2       Running            0          7h
onap-vid              vid-server-1837290631-x4ttc             2/2       Running            0          7h


Login to the kibana dashboard on the ONAP host machine (

$elasticsearch_username: "elastic"
$elasticsearch_password: "changeme"

Image Removed

# verify elastic search
root@k8s:~# curl -u elastic:changeme
"name" : "DAKPX9c",
"cluster_name" : "docker-cluster",
"cluster_uuid" : "GRQR74EjT6K8f3Eq93Ms6A",
"version" : {
"number" : "5.5.0",
"build_hash" : "260387d",
"build_date" : "2017-06-30T23:16:05.735Z",
"build_snapshot" : false,
"lucene_version" : "6.6.0"
"tagline" : "You Know, for Search"


# check indices
root@k8s:~# curl -u elastic:changeme
red open .monitoring-es-6-2017.10.04 X9nA9PHsR92u9VA1EjvrjA 1 1
yellow open .monitoring-es-6-2017.10.05 GEWfbYV8Qu632ILcOaGufg 1 1 70825 324 49mb 49mb
yellow open onaplogs-2017.10.05 qOErjm_zR1yJbES2A94GuA 5 1 417450 0 146.9mb 146.9mb
yellow open .triggered_watches sJWEmGgYRmuOsOa0ouWgaw 1 1 0 0 365.7kb 365.7kb
yellow open onaplogs-2017.10.04 NoEhHdK3ToeUC2KGqo3XlA 5 1 270744 0 103.1mb 103.1mb
yellow open .monitoring-alerts-6 84pDDo6HQOGIqgJQ5nMriA 1 1 1 0 6.3kb 6.3kb
yellow open .watcher-history-3-2017.10.04 lZ_1PBP-RiuevffPV3a1-g 1 1 2612 0 2.6mb 2.6mb
yellow open .watcher-history-3-2017.10.05 IDLSTtl9Thq0pTuTyzngNQ 1 1 4544 0 3.2mb 3.2mb
yellow open .kibana WWyQNR5HTzCRsqEQkPR3YA 1 1 1 0 3.2kb 3.2kb
yellow open .watches vS6TCNdiTwSL9JJOx_N8QQ 1 1 4 0 63.4kb 63.4kb

search on onap* not log*
change "index name or pattern" to onap* and select a "time filter field name" to @timestamp
