Test Case Id | Description | Pre-conditions | Test Steps | Expected Results | ||
1 | Perform healthcheck for the Policy components using Healthcheck API
| API – healthcheck Method - GET Endpoint: http://<host>:8081/healthcheck | All the policy components should return health status as “true” | ||
2 | Create config Policy for the following use cases
| Policy components up and running | API – CreateConfig Method – PUT Endpoint: https://<host>:8081/Pdp/createPolicy | Config Policy should be created in Policy Engine (PAP) | ||
3 | Push Config policy to the PDP Engines for the following use cases
| Policy components up and running | API - pushPolicy Method - PUT Endpoint: https:// <host>:8081/Pdp/pushPolicy | Config Policy should be pushed to the PDP group | ||
4 | Load the Drools Controller Configurations | 5 | Import/Load Use case template for the following use cases (VoLTE, vCPE, vFW, vDNS) | Policy components should be up and running | API – policyEngineImport Method – POST Endpoint: https://<host>:8081/pdp/policyEngineImport | Policy service models should be imported for the specified use cases. We should be able to create policy from here. |
65 | Create Operational policy for the following use cases
| Policy components up and running | API - createPolicy Method – PUT Endpoint: https://<host>:8081/Pdp/createPolicy | Operational Policy should be created in Policy Engine (PAP) | ||
76 | Push operational Policy to the PDP Engines for each use case
| Policy components up and running | API - pushPolicy Method - PUT Endpoint: https:// <host>:8081/Pdp/pushPolicy | Operational Policy should be pushed to the PDP group | ||
87 | Retrieve the configs for the following use cases
| Policy components up and running | API – getConfig Method – POST Endpoint: https://<host>:8081/Pdp/getConfig | Both Config and Operational Policies configured for each use case should be retrieved successfully | ||
98 | Simulate DCAE Control loop event for each use case with higher or lower threshold values
| Invoke the Simulator API to trigger a DCAE control loop event | DCAE event should be triggered to Policy for each use case depending on the threshold configured | ||
109 | Simulate A&AI Response for Use Case vFW | |||||
1110 | Simulate APPC Response for Use Case vFW |
| Invoke APPC simulator API with Policy data or Trigger a DCAE control loop event for vFW/vCPE | Valid Response from AppC Simulator API | ||
1211 | Simulate A&AI Response for Use Case vCPE | |||||
1312 | Simulate APPC Response for Use Case vCPE | |||||
1413 | Simulate A&AI Response for Use Case VOLTE | |||||
1514 | Simulate VF-C Response for Use Case VOLTE |
| Invoke VF-C simulator API with Policy data or Trigger a DCAE control loop event for VOLTE | Valid Response from VF-C Simulator API | ||
1615 | Simulate SO Response for VDNS |
| Invoke SO simulator API with Policy data or Trigger a DCAE control loop event for vDNS | Valid Response from SO Simulator API | ||
1716 | Simulate A&AI Response for VDNS |
| Invoke A&AI simulator API with Policy data or Trigger a DCAE control loop event for vDNS | Valid Response from A&AI Simulator API |