- All R2 use cases were updated with the list of their corresponding functional requirements – thanks a lot to the authors!!! Some of the requirements still need more explanation to be added though
- Alla will merge all functional requirements into a single table by 19/09/2017, then we will work with it for:
- Removal of the same requirement appearing multiple times/extension of one requirement by functional modifications coming from another one
- Making a requirements generic
i. We must target generic platform requirements (e.g. E-vCPE service onboarding, SDWAN service onboarding requirements transform to some generic onboarding functional requirement which is not supported by R1)
- Prioritization proposal of a different requirements for R2
- Then, Luman will also add additional E-vCPE requirements discussed during the call to this table
- Alla will check whether zoom connection is possible during next week meeting
- Alex will check with Chris whether R2 architecture requirements will be included to guide us while prioritizing those functional requirements https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Architecture+Requirements+for+R2+use+cases
- One of the action items to discuss during the next week joint meeting with the Architecture subcommittee is NAI/PCE coming from E-vCPE use case (in case Luman will be able to connect by zoom)
- Non-functional requirements will be discussed jointly by the whole TSC (interested people) next week https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/R2+proposals+for+Non-functional+requirements