Support ONAP platform upgrade
Support ONAP reliability, scalability- How can we update a running ONAP instance in the field. Should this be part of the OOM scope with help of the architecture sub committee?
Support ONAP reliability
We have no well defined approach to fault tolerance neither on the component nor the system level. Should this be part of the OOM scope with help of the architecture sub committee?
Support ONAP scalability
How to scale ONAP? Should this be part of the OOM scope with help of the architecture sub committee?
Support ONAP monitoring
Common logging formats and approaches need to be supported and automated cross components monitoring tools should be developed/provided
ONAP Portal - UI enhancementsProvide an common authentication and authorisation service across all ONAP componentsa Common ONAP security framework for authorization and authentication
See: https://lists.onap.org/pipermail/onap-tsc/2017-September/001684.html
The architecture & security sub committee should define a common security architecture which the projects need to agree to adopt.
API Versioning
What are the detailed rules of API depreciation. We did commit at the NJ F2F that APIs can’t just change between releases but we never agreed on the actual process/timeline surrounding API changes etc.
Support ONAP Portal - UI enhancements