Code Block |
http://localhost:8285/login |
WAR compilation
to compile WSSimulator.war:
1. Build To build web simulator WAR file : run `mvn clean install` on project " webseal simulator". This -simulator:
Code Block |
mvn clean install |
- This will generate war file (WSSimulator.war) in the target folder.
2. Ftp war file: webseal-simulator\target\WSSimulator.war to your localhost vagrant machine: /home/vagrant/webseal-simulator/webapps folder.
3. Ftp configuration file: webseal-simulator\src\main\resources\webseal.conf to your localhost vagrant machine: /home/vagrant/webseal-simulator/config
4. Add users to simulator: open configuration file - webseal.conf and add new user to the user list.
Note: You need to define the user in the SDC as well.
5. To run the simulator, enter to your local vagrant and run: startWebsealSimulator.sh
-- Restart the simulator:
Stop the simulator: stopWebsealSimulator.sh
Start the simulator: startWebsealSimulator.sh
67. Enter to UI: http://<ip address>:8285/login
Code Block |
http://localhost:8285/login |