- OOM Status / Readiness for Code freeze
- MVP on target for Amsterdam code freeze
- Most components in integraqtion testing phase
- Still need to work on Policy, Portal (new CLI container), Logging
- New components such as VF-C, CLAMP, etc will need to be addressed
- OOM Plans for Amsterdam:
- How to deploy ONAP for Amdsterdam with some components on OOM and some components on HEAT (eg. DCAE)?
- DCAE gen2 vs gen1:
- DCAE gen1 has been abandonned.
- The new code base for gen2 has gone further with an independent controller, with independent monitoring, deployer, integration.
- Will bring changes in integration to logging, msb, oom, etc
- We need to have 1 operational manager for all components for Amsterdam
- One challenge will be to have the networking work between Openstack/VM and K8S environments.
- Need to initiate the conversation with DCAE.
- DCAE Gen 2 is different - they have an independent DCAE environment and is not built as the rest of ONAP (own cloudify, own consul, etc)
- How will it integrate to MSB? The likelihood that it integrates to MSB is low - DCAE is a self-managed platform
- Proposal #1 for Amsterdam:
- Startup DCAE gen2 controller from OOM.
- That controller would take over the deployment of DCAE gen2 with all VMs independently of what is happening of OOM
- Roger Maitland and David S to initiate the conversations with DCAE. Need to understand feasibility. Roger Maitland to prime. Ramki Krishnan would like to join (pacific time); Arthur Berezinas well
- Proposal #2 for Amsterdam
- Re-use the controller of DCAE gen2 (cloudify) and bring it "as part of OOM". Probably more for Bejing.
- Re-use the controller of DCAE gen2 (cloudify) and bring it "as part of OOM". Probably more for Bejing.
- DCAE gen2 vs gen1:
- How to deploy ONAP for Amdsterdam with some components on OOM and some components on HEAT (eg. DCAE)?
- Cloudify / TOSCA based orchestration progress
- Code upstreamed for K8S provisioning; wiki created;
- OOM team needs a Cloudify demo for K8S provisioning. Arthur Berezin to organize.
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