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The content of this template is expected to be fill out for M1 Release Planning Milestone.


Sub-components are repositories are consolidate in a single centralized place. Edit the Release Components name for your project in the centralized page.


Internal service request flow

Option 1: Service consumer and service provider communicate with each other via Internal API Gateway

Option 2: Service consumer uses MSB client SDK to communicate with service provider directly

Image Added

API Incoming Dependencies

List the API this release is expecting from other releases.
Prior to Release Planning review, Team Leads must agreed on the date by which the API will be fully defined. The API Delivery date must not be later than the release API Freeze date.

Prior to the delivery date, it is a good practice to organize an API review with the API consumers.


API NameAPI DescriptionAPI Definition DateAPI Delivery dateAPI Definition link (i.e.swagger)
Service Registration
6/26/2017release API Freeze dateMicroservice Bus API Documentation
Service Discovery
6/26/2017release API Freeze dateMicroservice Bus API Documentation


ConsulConsul is a distributed, highly-available, and multi-datacenter aware tool for service discovery, configuration, and orchestration. 0.8.4
OpenRestyOpenResty® is a full-fledged web platform that integrates the standard Nginx core, LuaJIT, many carefully written Lua libraries, lots of high quality 3rd-party Nginx modules, and most of their external dependencies. It is designed to help developers easily build scalable web applications, web services, and dynamic web gateways.
RedisRedis is an in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker.3.2.8


Risk identifiedMitigation PlanContingency Plan
MSB needs to work with OOM to register services to MSB service registry, given that OOM is a newly created project, there may be a risk that the cooperation job between MSB and OOM can't be done in the release 1.Work with OOM team closely and try to put this job in the priority task list of OOM team.MSB provide Restful APIs and UI Portal so ONAP services can be manually registered.


Fill out the Resources Committed to the Release centralized page.

Release Milestone


MSB team provides a draft guideline for RESTful API design for the use of ONP projects, which will be discussed in the community/ arc subcommittee and to be approved by TSC if needed. RESTful API Design Specification for ONAP

MSB team promise to provide other necessary materials as input according to documentation project's request.
