- Use case goals
- Showcase ONAP features capabilities
- Provide a common set of test cases for ONAP releases
- Serve as a reference for other use cases that may be deployed using ONAP
- What use cases are not
- A strict definition of what is in or out of scope for an ONAP release (e.g. it is perfectly OK to have functionality in ONAP that is not necessarily being consumed by any use case
- A strict definition of what functionality is “supported” or “unsupported” (e.g. it should be possible to use a feature in a way that is not used by any of the use cases)
- Examining a new use case should consider the following criteria
- Does it showcase new functionality that other use cases did not?
- Are all the relevant VNFs available as open source or trial license?
- What will be the cost (in terms of complexity, test duration, etc.) of adding the use case to the set of release tests?
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